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  • This dataset contains coastal fish key species and key functional group monitoring data collected under HELCOM FISH-PRO and used for HELCOM coastal fish indciator and thematic assessment. The dataset is divided to pointwise observations where values are collected from one single location and polygon areas where values reflect larger area (ICES squares). The data is reported by national representatives of HELCOM FISH-PRO group and validated annually in the group meeting and hosted by HELCOM Secretariat. Attributes: ID = Unique identified of observation Country = Country of organization carrying out monitoring (in ISO 2-digit country codes) Organization = Organization carrying out monitoring AreaID = ID of monitoring areas AreaName = Name of monitored location Latitude = Latitude coordinate of monitoring site in WGS84 decimal degrees Longitude = Longitude coordinate of monitoring site in WGS84 decimal degrees L3_AssessmentUnit = HELCOM Level3 assessment unit Year = Year of observation IndicatorName = Indicator which the obsrevation value is related to IndicatorValue = Indicator value as in CPUE [kg/effort] Species = Key coastal fish species tthat indicator value applies to FunctionalGroup = Key coastal fish functional group that indicator value applies to Method = Monitoring method Geartype = Gear type used for monitoring Season = Season of monitoring RegistrationDate = Date when observation was included in the Coastal fish database

  • This dataset shows the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea which are used for Baltic Sea Pollution Load Compilation 6.

  • This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Abundance of waterbirds in the breeding season 2018. The data is resulting from a data call carried out by HELCOM for State of the Baltic Sea report. Attribute information: "YEAR" = Year of the observation "SPECIES" = Species accepted scientific name "ABUNDANCE" = Abundance count "Country" = Country of observation "SITECODE" = Unique site code

  • Observations of Salmo salar were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species list. The HELCOM Red List of Baltic Sea species in danger of becoming extinct (2013) is the first threat assessment for Baltic Sea species that covers all marine mammals, fish, birds, macrophytes (aquatic plants), and benthic invertebrates, and follows the Red List criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Almost 2800 species were considered in the Red List assessment and about 1750 were evaluated according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Salmo salar has been placed to the Red List category of Vulnerable (VU) species. The map shows the sub-basins in the HELCOM area where the species is known to occur regularly (HELCOM 2012). Reproduction only takes place in rivers.

  • This dataset contains all Cesium-137 monitoring stations by sub-basin in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.

  • Summary This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and represents monitoring stations in the Baltic Sea Description This dataset contains all shared biological stations in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project. It was collected and published at the beginning of 2013.The data came originally from the CORESET project. Contracting Parties were then asked to complete and check the info.

  • This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and represents monitoring stations in the Baltic Sea. This dataset contains all nutrient stations in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.

  • This dataset contains all PAH stations by sub-basin in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.

  • This dataset contains the most up-to-date reported data about hydrographical monitoring stations in the Baltic Sea. Dataset for download contains Baltic Sea hydrographical monitoring stations. Frequency can be found in corresponding name column.

  • This dataset contains all TBT in sediments monitoring station locationsas reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.