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Location of water course modifications (trenching, culverting, canalisation). The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Estonia, Finland and Poland. Data reported by Finland and Poland as water course modification were interpreted as pipelines and were included in HELCOM HOLAS 2 Pipelines dataset. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany and Lithuania. From Latvia, Russia and Sweden no data was reported.
The dataset contains the location of water course modifications as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. The use of HOLAS 2 data was requested by Estonia and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany and Latvia. Attribute specification and units (points and polygons): Year: Year of construction, especially if built between 2016-2021 Type: Structure type as listed on the data call (canalisation, culverting/trenching, causeway, damn/weir, other) Notes: Notes regarding the data Status: The status of the structure, if available Dimension: The dimension of the outlet, if available Original ID: Original identification used by the Contracting Party Attribute specification and units (lines): ID NAMESPACE STATUS KATEGORI TYPE JOURNAL_NR NOTE REGISTERTI REGISTER_1 VIRKNINGFR VIRKNINGTI EJER FAERDIGMEL REGISTRERI VIRKNINGSA
Dataset represent urban land use (urban areas) around Baltic Sea coast. The resolution of the data is 250 m x 250 m. The dataset is constructed from CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 2006 for EU countries and from Open street map (OSM) open source data in Russia. Dataset is based on data collated for the HELCOM Second Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The dataset covers the whole catchment area of the Baltic sea.
The data set contains information on the location of individual turbines of the offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea area. In addition to information on the location of the wind farms, the following information is included: Name, Country, Status (Generating power or under construction), Company, Capacity MW (whole park), number of turbines (whole park), construction year and source.
The dataset contains information on the location of individual turbines in place or planned location for offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea area as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Finland and Germany. The activity was declared as not relevant in Estonia and Latvia. The use of HOLAS 2 data was requested by Sweden. Attribute specification and units with predefined values specified from the data call: Name: Name of the wind farm Status: Status of the wind farm (operational, under construction, application submitted, planned, approved, other) Company: Operation company name CCapacity: Current capacity of the whole wind farm in megawatts (MW) PCapacity: Planned capacity of the whole wind farm in megawatts (MW) CN_turbine: Current number of turbines in the whole park PN_turbine: Planned number of turbines for the whole park Start_year: Year when the construction of the turbine started End_year: Year when the construction of the turbine ended Foundation: Foundation type (monopile, gravity, tripod, tripile, jacket, floating, other) Scour_prot: Scour protection Trans_L: If transformer, the length of the transformer in meters Transf_W: If transformer, the width of the transformer in meters Sediment: Sediment type (mud, sand, hard substrate, mixed sand, other) Notes: Notes regarding the data country: Country that reported the data Status_original: Original status declared by the Contracting Parties
The dataset represents urban land use (artificial surfaces) around the Baltic Sea coast. The dataset is constructed from CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 2018, Version 2020_20u1 (https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover/clc2018?tab=metadata) for EU countries and from Open Street Map (OSM) open source data for Russia. Attribute specification and units: Code_18: Class applied for CLC 2018 ID:CLC 2018 ID or OpenStreetMap ID Code: Nomenclature of the class source: "Corine" or "OSM"