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The dataset contains the extent of the land claim (permanent or temporary establishments of the sea) and the type of construction reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany and Latvia. Attribute specification and units (for points and polygons): Name: Name of the site Descrip: Brief description of the type of land claim Year: Year of construction, especially if built between 2016-2021 Area: Area in km2 Notes: Notes regarding the data Attribute specification and units (for lines): Country: Contracting Party that reported the information Type: Brief description of the type of land claim Estimated: Estimated year Area: Area in km2 Name: Name of the site descripto: Description of the site in national language Notes: Notes regarding the data
The dataset contains the location of shellfish mariculture sites from EMODnet ( Data from HOLAS 2 was used to complement the dataset ( Each point has the following attributes (where available): status (active, inactive, licensed) country owner name area name farm type (Mussels, Oysters, Mussels-Oysters, Clams, Specialised (other), Mixed (other)) production method (Beds, Long lines, Rafts, Saltwater closed (recirculation), Saltwater ponds, Saltwater tanks/raceways,Trestles or trays, Other) production stage (Grow out for human consumption, Hatchery, Nursery, Broodstock, Reproduction, Harvest, Other) purpose (Commercial, Research, Education, Display, Other) products detailed (English translation of the information provided on species grown or authorised in the source) point information (Polygon centroid, Original) depending on how the information is provided in the source (polygons or points) site_id distance to coast (meters) position from coastline (At sea, within the coastline) notes: indication of HOLAS 2 data
The dataset contains dredging sites in the marine environment that were made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. Data were reported by Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland and Sweden for the period 2016-2020. The data for 2021 was reported within HELCOM EG DREDS. Attribute specifications and units Type: Type of dredging (maintenance or capital) classified under the precautionary approach principle Start_day - Start_month - Start_year: Date in which the dredging activity started End_day - End_month - End_year: End date of the dredging activity Amount_ton: Amount of dredged material (tonnes) per event Depth: Depth of area (m) Area: Area of the actual dredging site in m2 per event Sediment: Type of sediment dredged Method: The method utilized in the dredging Notes: Notes regarding the data amount_m3: Amount of dredged material (m3) per event source: Source of the data original_t: Original type declared by the Contracting Parties
Furcellaria areas of production remained the same since the HELCOM Second Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 2). The production figures were extracted from EUROSTAT. Data contain data for the period 2016-2020 for Estonia. Attribute specification and units: Dredged_ar: Furcellaria dredging area (km2, ND = no data available) Total: Amount (Sum) of dredged Furcellaria during the period (tonnes) Average: Calculated annual average of the amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes/year) Area_km2: Area (fishing area) within dredging occurs (km2), area do not represent actual dredging area. F2016 - F2020: Amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes / year)
This dataset contains depositing sites reported by HELCOM EG DREDS. The depositing sites are grouped by spatial data type to pointwise, line, and polygon datasets. Data covers the years 2016-2021. Attribute specifications and units Helcom site ID (Helcom_sit): Unique id for deposit site Dredging ID (Dredging_I): Dredging site id, where material originates from Unique ID (Unique_ID): Unique id for each depositing activity (Helcom site ID + Dredging ID + year) Site name (Site_name): Name of the deposit site Type of area dredged (Type_of_ar): Type of area that was dredged (e.g. harbour or sea) Dredging activity (Dredging_a): Maintenance or capital dredging Material deposited (Material_d): The type of material deposited (e.g. sand, silt) Amount deposited (tonnes) (Amount_dep): Amount of material that has been deposited to deposit site, tonnes dry weight Amount beneficial use (tonnes) (Amount_ben): Amount material used for beneficial purposes, tonnes dry weight Beneficial use (Beneficial): Description of beneficial use Year (Year): Year of activity Country (Country): Contracting Party of HELCOM Sub-basin (Sub_basin): HELCOM sub-basin (assessment unit level 2) where activity has taken place Comments (Comments): General comments related to activity Contaminants Cd - SPAH9: Amount of contaminant deposited, in tonnes dry weight Contaminants SPCB7 - MBT : Amount of contaminant deposited, in kilograms dry weight Other contaminants (kg) (Other_cont): Any other contaminant deposited (substance indicated in "notes") Petroleum HC (tonnes) (Petroleum_): Amount of Petroleum HC deposited, in tonnes dry weight HCB - DEHP DBP BBP: Amount of contaminant deposited, in kilograms dry weight Contaminant notes (Contaminan): Notes related to contaminant load Permit (Permit): Deposit site permit reference Quality flag (Quality_fl): Quality flag of data - Quality assured: Data is quality assured either in the annual verification or in a separate quality assurance process by EN DREDS - No quality assurance: Data is not quality assured due to the reason that process has not been carried out - No Quality assurance possible: Data quality assurance process has been made, but it was not possible to find the reference data to verify the parameters original_dreda: capital or maintenance as reported by the Contrasting Party
The dataset contains coastal defence and flood protection data that was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. Data were collected by the HELCOM Secretariat in 2022. Data were reported by Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland and Sweden. For Latvia, the dataset was classified as no data available. Estonia and Sweden requested the use of HOLAS 2 data. HOLAS 2 data was also used to complement data from Poland and Denmark. Attribute specification and units with predefined values specified from the data call Name: name of the structure for polygon format Zone: Location of the site for line format Type: Type of structure (sea walls, breakwaters, groynes, flood protection, gabions, stone protection, dike, other) Year: Year of construction, especially if built between 2016-2021 Status: Status of the structure harmonized with the values from a predefined list (operational, under construction, application submitted, planned, approved, other), and following a precautionary approach that attributed the value operational for values that were out of the predefined list Dimension: Spatial dimensions of the structure in m2 Notes: notes regarding the reported data and HOLAS 2 data indication. Status_original: original status declared by the Contracting Parties
The dataset contains the location of oil refineries downloaded from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. E-PRTR covers all HELCOM Contracting Parties except Russia. See attribute specification and units at:
The dataset contains sand and gravel extraction activity during 2016–2021. The dataset is based on data submitted by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The dataset contains active sand and gravel extraction sites as reported by Estonia, Finland and Germany. Attribute specification and units with predefined values specified from the data call Name: Name of the extraction site Area: Area where the activity is taking place in km2 amount2016 - 2021: Amount of extraction reported per year in tonnes or/and m3 Depth: Metres per event Category: Recurrence of the extraction (one-time, recurring event) Start_day: Start day of the dredging activity Start_mont: Start month of the dredging activity Start_year: Start year of the dredging activity End_day: End day of the dredging activity End_month: End month of the dredging activity End_year: End year of the dredging activity Sediment: Type of sediment extracted (mud, sand, hard substrate, mixed sand, other) Method: Method used in the extraction (digging/dredging device (open, enclosed), suction device, other) Notes: notes regarding the reported data
The dataset contains cables in the marine environment that was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. Data were reported by Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland and Russia for the period 2016-2021. Attribute specification and units with predefined values specified from the data call Name: Name of the pipeline Type: Type of the pipeline (water, oil, gas, effluent, other) Diameter: Diameter of the pipeline Unit: Unit of the diameter Status: The status of the pipeline harmonized with the values from a predefined list (operational, under construction, application submitted, planned, approved, other), and following a precautionary approach that attributed the value operational for values that were out of the predefined list Start_year: Year when the construction of the pipeline started End_year: Year when the construction of the pipeline ended Pipe_prot: Specification of the type of pipeline protection (none, sand, hard substrate, mixed sand, other) Sediment: Sediment type (mud, sand, hard substrate, mixed sand, other) Pipe_posit: Specify the position of pipeline in the seabed (in the sediment, on the sediment) If pipeline position is 'in the sediment': Lay_Depth: Laying depth in meters Refilling: Refilling of the trench (YES/NO) Method: Method utilized when laying the pipeline Pipe_width: Width of pipeline trench in meters Notes: Notes regarding the data Status_original: Original status declared by the Contracting Parties
The dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Baltic Sea as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Poland (HOLAS 2 data) and Russia. The activity was declared as not relevant by Estonia, Denmark and Latvia. Attribute specification and units: COUNTRY: The country where the structure is located LATITUDE: Latitude of the point location LONGITUDE: Longitude of the point location Name: Name of the structure Notes: Notes regarding the data