monitoring station
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This dataset contains all dioxins in sediments monitoring station locations as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.
This dataset contains all Cesium-137 monitoring stationsby sub-basin in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.
Summary This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and represents monitoring stations in the Baltic Sea Description This dataset contains all nutrient stations in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project. It was collected and published at the beginning of 2013.The data came originally from the CORESET project. Contracting Parties were then asked to complete and check the info.The dataset was updated in 18 February 2015 with Finnish and Swedish monitoring stations reported by the end of 2014 as requested in HELCOM STATE 1-2014 meeting. Following update was done in 11 September 2015 regarding Polish stations following update request in HELCOM STATE & CONSERVATION 2-2015 meeting.
This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and represents monitoring stations in the Baltic Sea. This dataset contains all nutrient stations in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.
This dataset contains all PFOS in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.
This dataset contains all heavy metal monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.
This dataset contains all TBT stations by sub-basin in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM MORE project.
This dataset contains all TBT in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.
This dataset contains all PBDE in seawater monitoring station locationsas reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.
This dataset contains all PAH in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.