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Physical loss pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical loss of seabed. The pressure is given as area lost in each cell (km2). For the polygon datasets the area was assumed to be the lost area. For line and point datasets spatial extents were calculated with buffers (below in brackets). If no buffer extent is indicated, the data was reported as polygon. The human activities used for the physical loss pressure: Land claim - Area of polygon or 50 m buffer for points, 30m buffer for lines. Area of polygon - buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Watercourse modification - 50 m buffer. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Coastal defence and flood protection - 50 m buffer for lines, area of polygon. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Extraction of sand and gravel - Area of polygon. Area of polygon equals lost area. Dredging (capital) - Area of polygon or a 25/50 m buffer for <5000 m3 / >5000m3 sites. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Oil platforms - 25 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Pipelines - 15 m buffer around cables with operational status. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Wind farms - 30 m buffer around each turbine with operational status. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Cables - 1.5 m buffer around cables with operational status. Buffered line data, equals lost area. Harbours - Polygon with 200 m buffer. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Marinas and leisure harbour - Point with 200 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Bridges - 2 m buffer. Buffered line data, equals lost area. Finfish mariculture - 150 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Shellfish mariculture - Area of polygon, 150 m buffer for points. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Activities are combined and potentially overlapping areas are removed. Dataset is clipped with coastline. Combined layer is intersected with 1 km grid to calculate % of area lost within a cell.
Physical loss pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical loss of seabed. The pressure is given as area lost in each cell (km2). For the polygon datasets the area was assumed to be the lost area. For line and point datasets spatial extents were calculated with buffers (below in brackets). If no buffer extent is indicated, the data was reported as polygon. The human activities used for the physical loss pressure: - Bridges (2 m) - Cables (operational; 1,5 m) - Coastal defence and flood protection (area of polygon, 50 m for lines) - Dredging (capital dredging, Area of polygon or a 25/50 m buffer for <5000 m3 / >5000m3 points) - Extraction of sand and gravel - Finfish mariculture (150 m) - Harbours (polygon with 200 m buffer) - Land claim (area of polygon, 30m buffer for lines) - Marinas and leisure harbours (200 m) - Oil platforms (25 m) - Oil terminals and refineries (200 m) - Pipelines (operational; 15 m) - Shellfish mariculture (area of polygon, 150 m points) - Watercourse modification (50 m) - Wind turbines (operational; 30m point location of turbine) The datasets were first processed separately covering the whole Baltic Sea and then merged into one uniform data layer and minimizing the effect of overlapping areas. Polygon areas were clipped with coastline to remove buffered areas that reached to land.
This dataset shows the sub-drainage areas of the Baltic Sea catchment area
This dataset is the first dedicated SMOS Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) product for the Baltic basin to enhance the science capabilities in the Baltic region and help to fill the gaps and grand challenges identified by the scientific community. These new product has been created under the funded ESA project ITT Baltic+ Salinity dynamics (4000126102/18/I-BG). This basin is one of the most challenging regions for the satellite SSS retrieval. The available EO-based SSS products are quite limited in terms of spatio-temporal coverage and quality. This is mainly due to technical limitations that strongly affect the brightness temperatures (TB), such as the high contamination by interferences and the contamination close to land and ice edges. Moreover, the sensitivity of TB to SSS changes is very low and dielectric models present limitations in this low salinity regime. Baltic+ L4 SSS product comprises 9 years (2011-2019) of daily maps at 0.05 degrees. A detailed explanation of the product algorithms and validation can be found at and in the publication: Gonzalez-Gambau et al., “First SMOS Sea Surface Salinity dedicated products over the Baltic Sea“, Earth System Science Data, 2021 We present here the seasonal averaged Baltic+ L4 SSS products for the period 2011-2019. The daily Baltic+ L4 SSS products can be downloaded from the BEC FTP service (s in the directory OCEAN/SSS/SMOS/Baltic/v1.0/L4/daily/