Physical disturbance (HOLAS 2)
Pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical disturbance or damage to seabed.
For several human activity datasets, spatial extents were given (table below). Buffers with decreasing value rates were applied to represent the impact distance of physical disturbance.
The following human activities were combined into the physical disturbance layer;
- Cables (under construction, 1 km buffer)
- Coastal defence and flood protection (under construction, 500 m buffer)
- Deposit of dredged material (500 m buffer for points and areas)
- Dredging (maintenance) (500 m buffer for points and areas)
- Extraction of sand and gravel (500 m buffer)
- Finfish mariculture (1 km buffer)
- Fishing intensity 2011-2016 average (subsurface swept area ratio)
- Furcellaria harvesting
- Pipelines (0,3 km buffer)
- Recreational boating and sports
- Shellfish mariculture
- Shipping density
- Wind farms (under construction) (1 km buffer)
- Wind farms (operational) (0,1 km buffer)
The human activity data sets were first processed separately covering the whole Baltic Sea and then summed together. In this integration, some data layers were down-weighted to arrive at a balanced pressure layer, as described below.
High pressure intensity and/or slow recovery (weighting factor 1): Coastal defence and flood protection, Deposit of dredged material, Dredging, Extraction of sand and gravel and Fishing intensity
Moderate to high (Weighting factor 0,8): Pipelines and Shipping density
Moderate (Weighting factor 0,6): Finfish mariculture, Shellfish mariculture and Wind farms (under construction)
Low to moderate (Weighting factor 0,4): Cables
Low (Weighting factor 0,2): Maerl and Furcellaria harvesting, Recreational boating and sports and Wind farms (operational)
Harbours and marinas were left out from the physical disturbance pressure to avoid double counting due to their representation in the shipping density and recreational boating and sports data sets.
- Date (Publication)
- 2018-01-15
- Unique resource identifier
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Oceanographic geographical features
environmental damage
environmental impact
- Keywords
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Use constraints: Data can be used freely given that the source is cited.
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Access constraints: No limitations on public access.
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Metadata language
- English
- Topic category
- Environment
- Begin date
- 2011-01-01
- End date
- 2015-12-13
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:3035
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- Download dataset ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- OnLine resource
- Open in Map Viewer ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
Data source: See separate fact sheet on human activities listed below
Data quality: Gaps may occur due to lack of data from all the countries. Also, missing data values were given with 25% percentile of remaining values in a dataset which reduces the accuracy of the data.
Attribute information: Index value, representing combined pressure from several human activities.
Spatial coverage: Entire Baltic Sea. Fishing intensity data missing from RU.
Spatial resolution: Original data as vectors, shipping density and recreational boating and sports as 1 x 1 km grid, fishing intensity as 0,05 x 0,05 c-square degree grid. Finally converted to 1 km x 1 km grid.
Human activity; Spatial extent; Attenuation gradient; Data calculations
Cables (construction); 1 km; with sharp decline after 0.5 km; Location of constructed cables, Normalised
Coastal defence and flood protection (construction); 0.5 km; sharp decline; Normalised
Deposit of dredged material; 0,5 km; sharp decline; Sum amount of deposited material (tonnes), log-transformed, normalised
Dredging (maintenance); 0,5 km; sharp decline; Sum amount of dredged material (tonnes, m³), For missing values 25% percentile of existing information was given, all sites where no information about dredging type given, was considered as maintenance dredging, log-transformed, normalised
Extraction of sand and gravel; 0,5 km; sharp decline; Average amount of extracted material (m³), For missing values 25% percentile of existing information was given, log-transformed, normalised
Finfish mariculture; 1 km; linear decline; Average P load, For missing values 25% percentile of existing information was given, weighted with bed exposure, log-transformed, normalised, weighting factor 0,6
Fishing intensity; ; ;Average of seabed surface contacting gear fishing intensity 2011-2016 (subsurface swept area ratio), log-transformed, normalised
Furcellaria harvesting; ; ;Amount/area of harvested material normalised
Pipelines (operational); 0.3 km; linear decline; Normalized, multiplied (with 0.8) to represent 80% of maximum possible intensity
Recreational boating and sports; ; ; Fuel usage range in a 1km x 1 km cell, log-transformed, normalised
Shellfish mariculture;1 km; linear decline; Average production (kg), For missing values 25% percentile of existing information was given, log-transformed, normalised
Shipping density; ; linear decline; Average of total shipping density in a 1km x 1 km cell, rescaled in relation to water depth, log-transformed, normalised
Wind turbines (construction); 1 km; sharp decline after 0.5 km; Normalised
Wind turbines (operational); 0.3 km; linear decline; Normalised
- File identifier
- 05e325f3-bc30-44a0-8f0b-995464011c82 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2023-03-15T14:45:00
Spatial extent
Provided by