HELCOM Biodiversity database
The aim of HELCOM Biodiversity database is to collate all available species observation data made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties.
The database contains +1M species observations and applies World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) taxonomy. The data model used is based on Darwin Core format, with required extensions added.
Species observations are mostly pointwise observations, but also gridded observations are included for some species.
The database can be searched, viewed and downloaded using a specific web application. The whole database can be downloaded as a zipped ESRI File geodatabase.
Disclaimer: Data in the database is stemming from various sources. While there has been considerable quality assurance efforts, the accuracy of data can not be quaranteed.
Note that HELCOM Contracting Parties report open sea observations on zoobenthos, zooplanton and phytoplantkon to ICES Dome database and those observations are not included in HELCOM Biodiversity database.
Biodiversity database attribute description is available below: attrribute; type (description):
origin_of_data_collection; Text (Origin of data call / data collection project from which the observation has been obtained)
aphiaID; Number (WoRMS AphiaID or species which is used to retrieve taxonomy information from WoRMS webservice)
scientific_name; Text (Scientific name of the species as reported in source data)
taxonomical_status; Text (Taxonomical status of Scientific name according to WoRMS)
accepted_name; Text (Accepted name of the AphiaID according to WoRMS)
species_group; Text (Species group of the AphiaID)
synonyms; Text (Synonyms of AphiaID according to WoRMS)
data_source; Text (Data provider organization)
subunit; Text (Further explanation about any subunits or groups of the institution that are responsible for the data submission.)
field_number; Text (unique identifier, number or text or combination, created at collection time to identify each observation, e.g. sample numbers)
count_value; Number: Number of individuals: Count value (integer)
count_unit; Text: Unit of count value
count_estimate; Codelist: Total, Modelled, Maximum, Minimum, C-POD, Null. If not available, use Null
count_method; Text. Count method as free text
decimal_latitude; Number (Latitude coordinate of observation location in WGS84 decimal degrees, 6 decimals)
decimal_longitude; Number (Longitude coordinate of observation location in WGS84 decimal degrees, 6 decimals)
coordinate_uncertainty; Number (The horizontal distance (in meters) from the given decimal_latitude and decimal_longitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location. Leave the value empty if the uncertainty is unknown, cannot be estimated, or is not applicable (because there are no coordinates). Zero is not a valid value for this term.
polygon_id_1x1km; ID of the polygon to which observations are within (EEA grid)
polygon_id_2x2km; ID of the polygon to which observations are within (EEA grid)
polygon_id_5x5km; ID of the polygon to which observations are within (EEA grid)
polygon_id_10x10km; ID of the polygon to which observations are within (EEA grid)
data_generalization; Text (Codelist: no data generalization, data aggregation as grid (1x1km), data aggregation as grid (2x2km), data aggregation as grid (5x5km), data aggregation as grid (10x10km), Other, please specify in the "Notes" section)
year_collected; Number (Year as in YYYY)
month_collected; Number (Month as in MM)
day_collected; Number (Day as in DD)
start_day_collected; Number (Year as in YYYY, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Starting year for that sampling period)
start_month_collected; Number (Month as in MM, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Starting month for that sampling period)
start_day_collected; Number (Day as in DD, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Starting day for that sampling period)
end_year_collected; Number (Year as in YYYY, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Last year for that sampling period)
end_month_collected; Number (Month as in MM, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Last month for that sampling period)
end_day_collected; Number (Day as in DD, used if not a date for sampling but rather a time frame exists. Last day for that sampling period)
notes; Text (Any other information)
citation; Text. If specific citation should be used for observation, it should be described here
restriction; Yes/No (No, if no restrictions on use. Yes, if any information restricted for this observation, that cannot be shared freely)
restriction_description; Free text (If Restriction=Yes, then describe the reason and type of restriction)
information_withheld; Text (Codelist: no information withheld, Location information aggregated, Location information aggregated and more detailed information can be asked from the Institution, Other, please specify in the "Notes" section
- Date (Publication)
- 2016-12-31
- Unique resource identifier
- https://metadata.helcom.fi/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/9972b93d-9e81-47f1-b497-27f619febaea
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Species distribution
- Keywords
web application
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Use constraints: Data downloaded from the web application / database can be used freely given that the source (HELCOM) is cited, unless stated differently in the web application, data or metadata.
The data can be used, given that each data point is cited appropriately as described in "citation" attribute.
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Access constraints: No limitations on public access.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Metadata language
- English
- Topic category
- Environment
- Begin date
- 1900-01-01 Unknown
- End date
- 2022-12-31 Now
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:3035
- Distribution format
ESRI File geodatabase
Web application
ESRI File geodatabase
- OnLine resource
- Web access ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- OnLine resource
- Observations data, ESRI File Geodatabase ( WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download )
- OnLine resource
- Species, XLSX ( WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download )
- OnLine resource
- Species, CSV ( WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download )
- OnLine resource
- Red listed species list, XSLX ( WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download )
- OnLine resource
- Red listed species list, CSV ( WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download )
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
The database contains data collected in various data collection activities and reported to / made available to HELCOM. Each observation contains information on national data source and data collection activity.
In the search section of the web application, data collection source can be distinguished by “Origin of data collection” or “Institution/ data provider” fields. The origins of data collection are following:
AquaNIS: HELCOM collects observations of aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species containing from AquaNIS database ( http://www.corpi.ku.lt/databases/index.php/aquanis/) on monthly basis by utilizing data harvesting. The data collection system was developed in COMPLETE project ( https://helcom.fi/helcom-at-work/projects/complete/)
BaltiCheck (2018-2019): this project aimed to update the previous Checklist of Baltic Sea species (Checklist 2.0) and to make data about species and their spatiotemporal distribution within the Baltic Sea available via a biodiversity database and associated web application. Data attributed to this project are from the BaltiCheck data call, which was initiated December 2018. More information about the project can be found here: http://www.helcom.fi/helcom-at-work/projects/balticheck/
HELCOM Red List (2013): Data attributed to this project are from the first threat assessment of Baltic Sea species (2013) based on the IUCN criteria. The pointwise observation data were either restricted or the data use conditions were unspecified, thus permission for publication of pointwise data was retrieved from participating Baltic Sea countries during the BaltiCheck project. More information can be found under the following links:
HELCOM Checklist project (2012): Data attributed to this project are from the first Checklist of Baltic Sea Macro-species (2012). Data attributed to this project were from available open data sources. More information can be found under the following links:
HELCOM FISH-PRO – Coastal fish monitoring data: Data stemming from HELCOM coastal fish monitoring and compiled to HELCOM Coastal fish core indicator database (COOL). Data has been compiled and quality assured annually by HELCOM FISH-PRO group. Data obtained to species database from COOL was observations of perch, flounder or cod.
HELCOM NIS Indicator: Biological community (zooplankton, phytoplankton, zoobenthos) observations of non-indigenous species in HELCOM Marine area stemming from HELCOM COMBINE monitoring and reported to ICES. The data is collected on monthly basis from ICES by utilizing data harvesting. The data collection system was developed in COMPLETE PLUS project ( https://helcom.fi/helcom-at-work/projects/complete-plus/)
HELCOM/ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database: HELCOM countries agreed in 2007 to further develop in co-operation with the 1991 Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS) a coordinated reporting system and database on Baltic harbour porpoise sightings, by-catches and strandings. Data was collected originally in 2004 within the Baltic Sea Porpoise and Jastarnia projects. The original database was funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany, and the data was updated in HELCOM Secretariat in 2010 with financial support from UNEP/ASCOBANS. Since then, the database has been updated annually by HELCOM Expert Group on Marine Mammals (EG MAMA). Pointwise observations on harbour porpoises are included in HELCOM Species database. During 2022, the reporting format and guidelines of reporting harbour porpoise observations was updated by EG MAMA to facilitate harmonized data collection and enhance quality assurance of collected data.
Harbour porpoise acoustic monitoring data: During 2021, HELCOM EG MAMA agreed on collecting available data on acoustic harbor porpoise monitoring carried out in the Baltic to be included in HELCOM Biodiversity database. It should be noted that the collected acoustic monitoring data is not currently harmonized to full extent.
HELCOM/OSPAR Join Ballast Water Decision support tool: Based on the overall IMO framework the 21 Baltic and North-East Atlantic coastal states and EU have developed and agreed in 2013 on a detailed joint harmonised procedure (JHP) to defining “low risk” routes, as well as other necessary steps in granting exemptions under regulation A-4 of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. This has been done as a joint venture between the two regional seas commissions HELCOM and OSPAR. The port sampling data on phytoplankton, zooplankton, mobile epifauna, fouling, benthos and pathogens reported to the HELCOM/OSPAR Join Ballast Water Decision support tool (RA Tool) are included in the HELCOM Species database. The observations are thus distributed partly in OSPAR area and outside HELCOM marine area. HELCOM Species database will also be further developed to serve the update of the risk assessment tool carried out in COMPLETE project WP3 (2017-2020).
HOLAS I – HELCOM Initial Holistic Assessment 2010: Species observation data collected for HELCOM Initial Holistic Assessment 2010 (HOLAS I) has been included in the species database. The data consists of Zostera observations collected for the first version of Baltic Sea Pressure Index (BSPI).
HOLAS II – HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report 2018: Species observation data collected for HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report 2018 (HOLAS II) has been included in the species database. The data consists of observation data used for seal and bird indicators.
- File identifier
- 9972b93d-9e81-47f1-b497-27f619febaea XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2025-02-20T16:45:23
Spatial extent
Provided by