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The assessment results for waterbirds for the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3) contains the following datasets: Overall seal integrated result map, Grey seal integrated result map, Ringed seal integrated result map, Harbour seal integrated result map, and Harbour porpoise integrated result map. Status is shown in five categories based on the integrated assessment scores obtained in the tool. Biological Quality Ratios (BQR) above 0.6 correspond to good status. The datasets were created using the BEAT tool. https://github.com/helcomsecretariat/BEAT Attribute information: "Mammals_ag" = Aggregated area "SAULEVEL" = spatial assessment unit ID in which the assessment status took place "ECID" = Ecosystem component ID "EClevel" = Ecosystem Component level "EcosystemComponent" = Ecosystem component assessed "BQR" = Biological Quality Ratio "Conf" = Confidence of the assessment (0-1, higher values mean higher confidence) "ConfClass" = Confidence class
The assessment results for waterbirds for the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3) contains the following datasets: Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for Waterbirds, Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for surface-feeding birds, Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for pelagic-feeding birds, Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for benthic-feeding birds, Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for wading birds, and Integrated Biodiversity Status Assessment for grazing birds. Status is shown in five categories based on the integrated assessment scores obtained in the tool. Biological Quality Ratios (BQR) above 0.6 correspond to good status. The datasets were created using the BEAT tool. https://github.com/helcomsecretariat/BEAT Attribute information: "Birds_ag" = Birds group area "GroupName" = Birds group area name "BQR" = Biological Quality Ratio "Conf" = Confidence of the assessment (0-1, higher values mean higher confidence) "ConfClass" = Confidence class "Status" = Integrated status category (0-0.2 = not good (lowest score), 0.2-0.4 = not good (lower score), 0.4-0.6 = not good (low score), 0.6-0.8 = good (high score), 0.8-1.0 = good (highest score)) "ProportionSpecies" = Proportion of species in good status "SAUlevel" = Spatial assessment unit ID in which the assessment status took place "EcosystemComponent" = Ecosystem component assessed
The assessment results for pelagic habitats for the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3) based on integrating following indicators: Zooplankton mean size and total stock, Seasonal succession of dominating phytoplankton groups, Cyanobacterial bloom index, Diatom-dinoflagellate index. Status is shown in five categories based on the integrated assessment scores obtained in the tool. Biological Quality Ratios (BQR) above 0.6 correspond to good status. The datasets were created using the BEAT tool. https://github.com/helcomsecretariat/BEAT German coastal areas were assessed based on WFD indicators.
The dataset contains the extraction of one of the target species, herring, for the period 2016-2020. The extraction of herring data set is based on "Fish extraction - commercial fisheries HOLAS 3". Further information about how this dataset was collected and extracted can be found at: https://metadata.helcom.fi/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/a0104cfd-d237-459b-84f8-8e9e21d2df9b Reported per ICES Rectangles, Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports, reported per ICES sub-divisions. Values are redistributed with fishing effort data c-squares (all gears) 2016-2021. Effort values missing from Russia and sub-basin average values given. Extraction of fish species (landings) per ICES c-squares, average of 2016-2020. Landings calculated per km2. Tons/km2 calculated for each species. Log-transformed and normalized.
Physical loss pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical loss of seabed. The pressure is given as area lost in each cell (km2). For the polygon datasets the area was assumed to be the lost area. For line and point datasets spatial extents were calculated with buffers (below in brackets). If no buffer extent is indicated, the data was reported as polygon. The human activities used for the physical loss pressure: Land claim - Area of polygon or 50 m buffer for points, 30m buffer for lines. Area of polygon - buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Watercourse modification - 50 m buffer. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Coastal defence and flood protection - 50 m buffer for lines, area of polygon. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Extraction of sand and gravel - Area of polygon. Area of polygon equals lost area. Dredging (capital) - Area of polygon or a 25/50 m buffer for <5000 m3 / >5000m3 sites. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Oil platforms - 25 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Pipelines - 15 m buffer around cables with operational status. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Wind farms - 30 m buffer around each turbine with operational status. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Cables - 1.5 m buffer around cables with operational status. Buffered line data, equals lost area. Harbours - Polygon with 200 m buffer. Area of polygon, buffered line or point data, equals lost area. Marinas and leisure harbour - Point with 200 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Bridges - 2 m buffer. Buffered line data, equals lost area. Finfish mariculture - 150 m buffer. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Shellfish mariculture - Area of polygon, 150 m buffer for points. Buffered point data, equals lost area. Activities are combined and potentially overlapping areas are removed. Dataset is clipped with coastline. Combined layer is intersected with 1 km grid to calculate % of area lost within a cell.
This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).
The dataset presents the status of the benthic habitats. The assessment is carried out by integrating the results of two state and one pressure indicator: State of the soft-bottom macrofauna community, Oxygen debt and Cumulative impact from physical pressures on benthic biotopes (CumI), respectively. The spatial unit of the assessment is comprised of areas resulting from the overlay of the separate indicators data sets. A relatively simple integration approach was applied for overlaying the state and pressure indicators, by using a decision tree with specific rules to determine the final status for the overlapping units. The physical loss areas, taken from the Spatial Pressure and Impact Assessment, are clipped out from the assessment and presented as separate units. The lineage section further down gives a more detailed description of the methodology. Attributes BHT: The MSFD broad habitat type Level_2: HELCOM level 2 assessment unit ind_present: Inidcators present in the spatial unit Cumi_class: The result class of the indicator Cumulative impact from physical pressures on benthic biotopes (CumI) cumi_value: The result class converted to a numerical representation Cumi_cnf: the Cumi confidence value state_ind_value: The value for the state indicator present in the spatial unit state_ind_cnf: The confidence value for state indicator BI_value: The final result value for the benthic integration achieve_fail: The achieve / fail / loss / Not assessed category for the final result value confidence: The confidence of the final result value area: Are of the spatial unit in square kilometers
This dataset contains points data of hydropower dams and dams downloaded from OpenStreetMap. Attributes specification and units Country: International Country Code (ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2 code elements) name: name of the structure, if available origin: "HOLAS 2" or "OSM" code_ID:OpenStreetMap ID or HOLAS2 Name or ID number of the hydropower dam