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The dataset contains total landings of sprat for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle) under EU Joint Research Centre’s data collection framework for fisheries data. Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports.
The dataset contains total landings of herring for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle) under EU Joint Research Centre’s data collection framework for fisheries data. Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports.
The dataset contains the extraction of one of the target species, herring, for the period 2016-2020. The extraction of herring data set is based on "Fish extraction - commercial fisheries HOLAS 3". Further information about how this dataset was collected and extracted can be found at: Reported per ICES Rectangles, Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports, reported per ICES sub-divisions. Values are redistributed with fishing effort data c-squares (all gears) 2016-2021. Effort values missing from Russia and sub-basin average values given. Extraction of fish species (landings) per ICES c-squares, average of 2016-2020. Landings calculated per km2. Tons/km2 calculated for each species. Log-transformed and normalized.
The fishing intensity map displays data provided in C-square (0.05 x 0.05 degrees) converted to 1x1 km raster 2011-2016. The value of raster cell is subsurface swept area ratio. The data does not cover Russian waters.
The extraction of cod pressure layer is based on two datasets: 1. for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle). 2. from ICES recreational fisheries reports for 2011-2016, reported per country (only coastal areas included). Landing values were redistributed within each ICES rectangle by the c-square fishing effort data provided by ICES (all gears, 2011-2013). Tonnes / km² were calculated for both data sets and the results were converted to 1 km x 1 km grid cells. The layers were summed together, log-transformed and normalised to produce the final pressure layer on extraction of cod. Please see "lineage" section below for further details on attributes, data source, data processing, etc.
This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for all gear types in 2011 based on VMS/Log book data processed by ICES Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps. HELCOM secretariat did the following processing to the data: - Conversion to ETRS89LAEA coordinate system - Added feature and attribute "Reported" to display unreported areas. Dataset attribute information: c-square: Unique reference of the c-square polygon mid_lat: latitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees mid_lon: longitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees Year: Year of fishing activity quarter: Quarter of the year, if applicable geargroup: Fishing gear group (Effort maps) SubsurfSAR: Subsurface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) SurfSAR: Surface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) Fishing_ho: Total fishing effort in hours within c-square (Effort maps) Reported: Yes=Reported data. No= No reported data (area that does not contain effort/intensity value due to lack of reported data)
The dataset contains total landings of cod for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle) under EU Joint Research Centre’s data collection framework for fisheries data. Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports.
The dataset contains the extraction of one of the target species, cod, for the period 2016-2021. The extraction of cod data set is based on "Fish extraction - commercial fisheries HOLAS 3". Further information about how this dataset was collected and extracted can be found at: Reported per ICES Rectangles, Russian data extracted from ICES annual reports, reported per ICES sub-divisions. Values are redistributed with fishing effort data c-squares (all gears) 2016-2021. Effort values missing from Russia and sub-basin average values given. Extraction of fish species (landings) per ICES c-squares, average of 2016-2020. Landings calculated per km2. Tons/km2 calculated for each species. For cod, recreational fisheries catches were added. Log-transformed and normalized.
The extraction of Sprat data set is based on: 1. for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle). Landing values were redistributed within each ICES rectangle by the c-square fishing effort data provided by ICES (all gears, 2011-2013). Tonnes / km² was calculated and the results were converted to 1 km x 1 km grid cells. The layer was log-transformed and normalised to produce the final pressure layer on extraction of Sprat. Please see "lineage" section below for further details on attributes, data source, data processing, etc.
The extraction of herring data set is based on: 1. for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle). Landing values were redistributed within each ICES rectangle by the c-square fishing effort data provided by ICES (all gears, 2011-2013). Tonnes / km² was calculated and the results were converted to 1 km x 1 km grid cells. The layer was log-transformed and normalised to produce the final pressure layer on extraction of herring. Please see "lineage" section below for further details on attributes, data source, data processing, etc.