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  • Dataset represents the radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea area. Data includes isotopes CS137, CO60 and SR90 Aquatic discharges in 2011-2014 with decay corrections.

  • The dataset represents the radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea area. Data includes isotopes CS137, CO60 and SR90 Aquatic discharges in 2016-2021 with decay corrections. Attribute specification and units SITECODE: Code of the site SITENAME: Name of the site COUNTRY: country in which the site is located CO_2016 - 2020: isotope CO60 discharge during the reporting period SR_2016 - 2020: isotope SR90 discharge during the reporting period CS_2016 - 2020: isotope CS137 discharge during the reporting period CO_avg: average of isotope CO60 for the period CS_avg: average of isotope CS137 for the period SR_avg: average of isotope SR90 for the period