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  • Data shows the extent of land claim (permanent or temporary establishments of the sea) and the type of the construction. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Poland. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuanian. From Russia no data was reported. Attribute specification and units: Country: Country Type: Type of construction (land claim) Type_spec: More specified information about the type of land claim Year: Year of construction Estimated: Estimated year of construction from the identification information (environmental permit) given by the country in question Length: Length of the land reclamation (m) Area: Area (km2) of the land claim X_lon: Original Longitude coordinate point (for the data that has been transformed from points into lines) Y_Lat: Original latitude coordinate point (for the data that has been transformed from points into lines)

  • The dataset contains the extent of the land claim (permanent or temporary establishments of the sea) and the type of construction reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany and Latvia. Attribute specification and units (for points and polygons): Name: Name of the site Descrip: Brief description of the type of land claim Year: Year of construction, especially if built between 2016-2021 Area: Area in km2 Notes: Notes regarding the data Attribute specification and units (for lines): Country: Contracting Party that reported the information Type: Brief description of the type of land claim Estimated: Estimated year Area: Area in km2 Name: Name of the site descripto: Description of the site in national language Notes: Notes regarding the data

  • Amount of hunted birds (number of birds/area) per year per area (county) is given separately for each target species: common scooter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca), eider (Somateri molissima) and long tailed duck (Clangula hymalis). The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. For each species, a total number of hunted birds during the time period and a calculated average (hunted birds/year), is given. Data includes a total number (sum) of all hunted birds during the time period per county (total number of hunted birds/ county) and an average for hunted birds annually (hunted individuals/year). Velvet scoter is protected species in Sweden and Finland, and not listed as a game in Estonia. Common scoter is also protected species in Finland, thus hunting data is not available. Attribute specification and units: Country: Country AreaCode: County’s national code Area: County, unit area TOTAL: Total number of hunted birds in 2011-2015 Average: An average of hunted birds in a year (hunted birds/year) 2011_Sco – 2015_Sco: Number of hunted common scoters in 2011-2015 SUM_Sco: Total number of hunted common scoters in 2011-2015 Mean_Sco: An average number of hunted common scoters in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_VSco – 2015_VSco: Number of hunted velvet scoters in 2011 - 2015 SUM_Vsco: Total number of hunted velvet scoters in 2011-2015 Mean_Vsco: An average number of hunted velvet scoters in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_Eider – 2015_Eider: Number of hunted eiders in 2011 - 2015 SUM_Eider: Total number of hunted eiders in 2011-2015 Mean_Eider: An average number of hunted eiders in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_LTDuc – 2015_LTDuc: Number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2011 – 2015 SUM_LTDuck: Total number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2011-2015 Mean_LTDuc: An average number of hunted long tailed ducks in a year (hunted individuals/year) Notes: Notes regarding the data

  • The dataset contains the number of hunted birds (number of birds/area) per year per area for each target species: common scooter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca), eider (Somateri molissima) and long tailed duck (Clangula hymalis). The dataset covers the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia and Poland. Attribute specification and units: Area: Name of the area given by the national data provider Eid_2016-Eid_2021: Number of hunted eiders in 2016-2021 LTD_2016-LTD_201: Number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2016-2021 Sco_2016-Sco_2021: Number of hunted common scoters in 2016-2021 VSc_2016-VSc_2021: Number of hunted velvet scoters in 2016-2021 avg_syears: average of number of hunted birds

  • This dataset is the first dedicated SMOS Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) product for the Baltic basin to enhance the science capabilities in the Baltic region and help to fill the gaps and grand challenges identified by the scientific community. These new product has been created under the funded ESA project ITT Baltic+ Salinity dynamics (4000126102/18/I-BG). This basin is one of the most challenging regions for the satellite SSS retrieval. The available EO-based SSS products are quite limited in terms of spatio-temporal coverage and quality. This is mainly due to technical limitations that strongly affect the brightness temperatures (TB), such as the high contamination by interferences and the contamination close to land and ice edges. Moreover, the sensitivity of TB to SSS changes is very low and dielectric models present limitations in this low salinity regime. Baltic+ L4 SSS product comprises 9 years (2011-2019) of daily maps at 0.05 degrees. A detailed explanation of the product algorithms and validation can be found at and in the publication: Gonzalez-Gambau et al., “First SMOS Sea Surface Salinity dedicated products over the Baltic Sea“, Earth System Science Data, 2021 We present here the seasonal averaged Baltic+ L4 SSS products for the period 2011-2019. The daily Baltic+ L4 SSS products can be downloaded from the BEC FTP service (s in the directory OCEAN/SSS/SMOS/Baltic/v1.0/L4/daily/