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  • Digitized from Mariners’ Routeing Guide Baltic Sea ISBN 978-3-89871-771-7 ( The line features are divided in categories, indicated by the the ZONE_TYPE attribute: 0 - Deep water route areas; 1 - Deep water route center line; 4 - Recommended route center; 6 - Traffic separation line; and 7 - Traffic separation scheme.

  • This dataset includes digitized deep-water route, traffic separation schemes, precautionary areas and inshore traffic zones in the Baltic Sea as defined in the 9th edition of the Ships Routing Guide (2008) of the International Maritime Organization. It was updated in 2017. The update includes information about new traffic separation schemes and deep-water routes, amendments to the existing traffic separation schemes and establishment of new two-way routes which are not included in the original 2008 routeing guide, but were adopted by the 54th, 55th, 57th, and 58th session of the Sub-Committee on the Safety of Navigation of the IMO, and 3rd session of IMO's Sub-Committee Meeting on the Navigation, Communications, Search and Rescue.

  • The objective of the BALTHAZAR project has been to assess the potential sources of hazardous substances from landfills/dumping sites, to characterise their environmental risks and to develop measures to reduce the risks of run-off of hazardous substances from waste site to the Baltic Sea. More info: More info:

  • The dataset contains information on commercial fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle, both as total values and per species. The dataset contains information on commercial fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle, both as total values and per species. All values are in tons. Data was requested from HELCOM contracting parties through HELCOM HOLAS project. Landings/ catches data from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is based on national data, while Russian data is based on the ICES report "Report of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS)" (2008). Commercial fishery data was reported by the following persons/authorities to HELCOM Secretariat: Germany:Dr. Christopher Zimmermann (Institut für Ostseefischerei (OSF), Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei) Lithuania: Open sea: Irina Jakovleva (Fisheries Reguliation Division, Baltic Sea Fisheries Department, Fisheries Department under the Ministry of Agriculture); coastal: Rimantas Repecka (Head of Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University) Sweden: Jarl Engquist (Avdelningen för fiskerikontroll, Swedish Board of Fisheries) Latvia: Marina Fettere (Fishery and Information section, Latvian Fish Resources Agency) Finland: Pirkko Söderkultalahti (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute) Estonia: Ministry of Agriculture Denmark: Troels Pade (The Danish Directorate of Fisheries, Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) Russia: no contact person, data from ICES reports Poland: Malgorzata Marciniewicz-Mykieta (Departament Monitoringu i Informacji o Srodowisku, Glówny Inspektorat Ochrony Srodowiska) Abbreviation of species ABK=White Bream; ACC=Ruffe; ACH=Charr; ALR=Bleak; ANE=European anchovy; ANF=Anglerfishes; BLL=Brill; CAT=Rockfishes; CGO=Goldfish; COD=Cod; CRA=Marine crabs; CRE=Edible Crab; CSH=Common shrimp; DAB=Dab; DGS=Sourdog/Spint Dogfish; ELE=Eel; ELP=Eelpout; FAS=Asp; FBM=Bream; FBR=Freshwater breams; FBU=Burbot; FCC=Crucian carp; FCP=Common carp; FGR=Grayling; FID=Orfe (=Ide); FIE=Common dace; FLE=Flounder; FLX=Flatfishes; FPE=Perch; FPI=Pike; FPP=Zander (Pikeperch); FRD=Rudd; FRF=Freshwater fishes; FRO=Roach; FRU=Ruffe; FSB=Silver bream; FTE=Tench; FVE=Vendace (Cisco); FVI=Freshwater Vimba; GAR=Garfish; GPA=Gobies; GTA=Three-Spined Stickleback; GUG=Grey Gurnard; HAD=Haddock; HAL=Halibut; HER=Herring; HKE=Hake; HOM=Horse Mackarel; JAX=Jack and horse mackerels; LAR=River lamprey; LAU=Sea lamprey; LBE=European Lobster; LEM=Lemon Sole; LIN=Ling; LUM=Lumpfish; MAC=Mackerel; MLR=Thicklip Grey Mullet; MON=Monkfish; MQS=Four Spined Sculpin; MTL=Thick-lipped Mullet; MUL=Grey mullets; MUS=Blue mussel; MUX=Surmullets (= Red mullets); MZZ=Marine fishes; NBU=Round Goby NEP=Norway lobster; NOP=Norway pout; OTH=Other sp; PLA=Long-rough dab; PLE=Plaice; PLN=European Whitefish; POK=Saithe; POL=Pollack; PPZ=Common Prawn; PRA=Northern Pink Shrimp; SAL=Salmon; SAN=Sandeels; SKA=Skates, rays; SKB=Sticklebacks; SME=Smelt; SOL=Sole; SPR=Sprat; SQU=Squids; SRA=Atlantic searobins; SRE=Rudd; TAS=Twaite Shad; TGQ=Fourhorn Sculpin; TRB=Rainbow Trout; TRO=Trouts; TRR=Rainbow Trout; TRS=SeaTrout; TSD=Twaite Shad; TUR=Turbot; UNK=Unknown Catches; USK=Tusk; WEG=Greater Weever; WHB=Blue Whiting; WHF=Whitefish, Houting, Powan; WHG=Whiting; WIT=Witch; VIV=Vimba bream.

  • The dataset contains information on commercial gillnet fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Total catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle in tons. The dataset contains information on commercial gillnet fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Total catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle in tons. Gillnet gears (included in the gear category 3, coastal and stationary gears) includes falling gears, live-bait gears set gillnets, trammel nets, handlines and pole-lines. The catches/landings per ICES rectangle are also given per species. Data was requested from HELCOM contracting parties through HELCOM HOLAS project. Landings/ catches data from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is based on national data, while Russian data is based on the ICES report "Report of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS)" (2008). Commercial fishery data was reported by the following persons/authorities to HELCOM Secretariat: Germany:Dr. Christopher Zimmermann (Institut für Ostseefischerei (OSF), Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei) Lithuania: Open sea: Irina Jakovleva (Fisheries Reguliation Division, Baltic Sea Fisheries Department, Fisheries Department under the Ministry of Agriculture); coastal: Rimantas Repecka (Head of Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University) Sweden: Jarl Engquist (Avdelningen för fiskerikontroll, Swedish Board of Fisheries) Latvia: Marina Fettere (Fishery and Information section, Latvian Fish Resources Agency) Finland: Pirkko Söderkultalahti (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute) Estonia: Ministry of Agriculture Denmark: Troels Pade (The Danish Directorate of Fisheries, Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) Russia: no contact person, data from ICES reports Poland: Malgorzata Marciniewicz-Mykieta (Departament Monitoringu i Informacji o Srodowisku, Glówny Inspektorat Ochrony Srodowiska) Abbreviation of species ABK=White Bream; ACC=Ruffe; ACH=Charr; ALR=Bleak; ANE=European anchovy; ANF=Anglerfishes; BLL=Brill; CAT=Rockfishes; CGO=Goldfish; COD=Cod; CRA=Marine crabs; CRE=Edible Crab; CSH=Common shrimp; DAB=Dab; DGS=Sourdog/Spint Dogfish; ELE=Eel; ELP=Eelpout; FAS=Asp; FBM=Bream; FBR=Freshwater breams; FBU=Burbot; FCC=Crucian carp; FCP=Common carp; FGR=Grayling; FID=Orfe (=Ide); FIE=Common dace; FLE=Flounder; FLX=Flatfishes; FPE=Perch; FPI=Pike; FPP=Zander (Pikeperch); FRD=Rudd; FRF=Freshwater fishes; FRO=Roach; FRU=Ruffe; FSB=Silver bream; FTE=Tench; FVE=Vendace (Cisco); FVI=Freshwater Vimba; GAR=Garfish; GPA=Gobies; GTA=Three-Spined Stickleback; GUG=Grey Gurnard; HAD=Haddock; HAL=Halibut; HER=Herring; HKE=Hake; HOM=Horse Mackarel; JAX=Jack and horse mackerels; LAR=River lamprey; LAU=Sea lamprey; LBE=European Lobster; LEM=Lemon Sole; LIN=Ling; LUM=Lumpfish; MAC=Mackerel; MLR=Thicklip Grey Mullet; MON=Monkfish; MQS=Four Spined Sculpin; MTL=Thick-lipped Mullet; MUL=Grey mullets; MUS=Blue mussel; MUX=Surmullets (= Red mullets); MZZ=Marine fishes; NBU=Round Goby NEP=Norway lobster; NOP=Norway pout; OTH=Other sp; PLA=Long-rough dab; PLE=Plaice; PLN=European Whitefish; POK=Saithe; POL=Pollack; PPZ=Common Prawn; PRA=Northern Pink Shrimp; SAL=Salmon; SAN=Sandeels; SKA=Skates, rays; SKB=Sticklebacks; SME=Smelt; SOL=Sole; SPR=Sprat; SQU=Squids; SRA=Atlantic searobins; SRE=Rudd; TAS=Twaite Shad; TGQ=Fourhorn Sculpin; TRB=Rainbow Trout; TRO=Trouts; TRR=Rainbow Trout; TRS=SeaTrout; TSD=Twaite Shad; TUR=Turbot; UNK=Unknown Catches; USK=Tusk; WEG=Greater Weever; WHB=Blue Whiting; WHF=Whitefish, Houting, Powan; WHG=Whiting; WIT=Witch; VIV=Vimba bream

  • This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for all gear types in 2013 based on VMS/Log book data processed by ICES Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps. HELCOM secretariat did the following processing to the data: - Conversion to ETRS89LAEA coordinate system - Added feature and attribute "Reported" to display unreported areas. Dataset attribute information: c-square: Unique reference of the c-square polygon mid_lat: latitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees mid_lon: longitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees Year: Year of fishing activity quarter: Quarter of the year, if applicable geargroup: Fishing gear group (Effort maps) SubsurfSAR: Subsurface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) SurfSAR: Surface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) Fishing_ho: Total fishing effort in hours within c-square (Effort maps) Reported: Yes=Reported data. No= No reported data (area that does not contain effort/intensity value due to lack of reported data)

  • The dataset contains information on commercial traps and pots fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Total catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle in tons. The dataset contains information on commercial traps and pots fishery in Baltic Sea in 2007 (Lithuanian data from 2008). Total catches/landings are given per ICES rectangle in tons. Gillnet gears (included in the gear category 3, coastal and stationary gears) includes falling gears, live-bait gears set gillnets, trammel nets, handlines and pole-lines. The catches/landings per ICES rectangle are also given per species. Data was requested from HELCOM contracting parties through HELCOM HOLAS project. Landings/ catches data from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is based on national data, while Russian data is based on the ICES report "Report of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS)" (2008). Commercial fishery data was reported by the following persons/authorities to HELCOM Secretariat: Germany:Dr. Christopher Zimmermann (Institut für Ostseefischerei (OSF), Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei) Lithuania: Open sea: Irina Jakovleva (Fisheries Reguliation Division, Baltic Sea Fisheries Department, Fisheries Department under the Ministry of Agriculture); coastal: Rimantas Repecka (Head of Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University) Sweden: Jarl Engquist (Avdelningen för fiskerikontroll, Swedish Board of Fisheries) Latvia: Marina Fettere (Fishery and Information section, Latvian Fish Resources Agency) Finland: Pirkko Söderkultalahti (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute) Estonia: Ministry of Agriculture Denmark: Troels Pade (The Danish Directorate of Fisheries, Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) Russia: no contact person, data from ICES reports Poland: Malgorzata Marciniewicz-Mykieta (Departament Monitoringu i Informacji o Srodowisku, Glówny Inspektorat Ochrony Srodowiska) Abbreviation of species ABK=White Bream; ACC=Ruffe; ACH=Charr; ALR=Bleak; ANE=European anchovy; ANF=Anglerfishes; BLL=Brill; CAT=Rockfishes; CGO=Goldfish; COD=Cod; CRA=Marine crabs; CRE=Edible Crab; CSH=Common shrimp; DAB=Dab; DGS=Sourdog/Spint Dogfish; ELE=Eel; ELP=Eelpout; FAS=Asp; FBM=Bream; FBR=Freshwater breams; FBU=Burbot; FCC=Crucian carp; FCP=Common carp; FGR=Grayling; FID=Orfe (=Ide); FIE=Common dace; FLE=Flounder; FLX=Flatfishes; FPE=Perch; FPI=Pike; FPP=Zander (Pikeperch); FRD=Rudd; FRF=Freshwater fishes; FRO=Roach; FRU=Ruffe; FSB=Silver bream; FTE=Tench; FVE=Vendace (Cisco); FVI=Freshwater Vimba; GAR=Garfish; GPA=Gobies; GTA=Three-Spined Stickleback; GUG=Grey Gurnard; HAD=Haddock; HAL=Halibut; HER=Herring; HKE=Hake; HOM=Horse Mackarel; JAX=Jack and horse mackerels; LAR=River lamprey; LAU=Sea lamprey; LBE=European Lobster; LEM=Lemon Sole; LIN=Ling; LUM=Lumpfish; MAC=Mackerel; MLR=Thicklip Grey Mullet; MON=Monkfish; MQS=Four Spined Sculpin; MTL=Thick-lipped Mullet; MUL=Grey mullets; MUS=Blue mussel; MUX=Surmullets (= Red mullets); MZZ=Marine fishes; NBU=Round Goby NEP=Norway lobster; NOP=Norway pout; OTH=Other sp; PLA=Long-rough dab; PLE=Plaice; PLN=European Whitefish; POK=Saithe; POL=Pollack; PPZ=Common Prawn; PRA=Northern Pink Shrimp; SAL=Salmon; SAN=Sandeels; SKA=Skates, rays; SKB=Sticklebacks; SME=Smelt; SOL=Sole; SPR=Sprat; SQU=Squids; SRA=Atlantic searobins; SRE=Rudd; TAS=Twaite Shad; TGQ=Fourhorn Sculpin; TRB=Rainbow Trout; TRO=Trouts; TRR=Rainbow Trout; TRS=SeaTrout; TSD=Twaite Shad; TUR=Turbot; UNK=Unknown Catches; USK=Tusk; WEG=Greater Weever; WHB=Blue Whiting; WHF=Whitefish, Houting, Powan; WHG=Whiting; WIT=Witch; VIV=Vimba bream

  • This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for mobile bottom-contacting gear in fourth quarter of 2013 based on VMS/Log book data processed by ICES Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps. HELCOM secretariat did the following processing to the data: - Conversion to ETRS89LAEA coordinate system - Added feature and attribute "Reported" to display unreported areas. Dataset attribute information: c-square: Unique reference of the c-square polygon mid_lat: latitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees mid_lon: longitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees Year: Year of fishing activity quarter: Quarter of the year, if applicable geargroup: Fishing gear group (Effort maps) SubsurfSAR: Subsurface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) SurfSAR: Surface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) Fishing_ho: Total fishing effort in hours within c-square (Effort maps) Reported: Yes=Reported data. No= No reported data (area that does not contain effort/intensity value due to lack of reported data.

  • This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for longlines in 2012 based on VMS/Log book data processed by ICES Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps. HELCOM secretariat did the following processing to the data: - Conversion to ETRS89LAEA coordinate system - Added feature and attribute "Reported" to display unreported areas. Dataset attribute information: c-square: Unique reference of the c-square polygon mid_lat: latitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees mid_lon: longitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees Year: Year of fishing activity quarter: Quarter of the year, if applicable geargroup: Fishing gear group (Effort maps) SubsurfSAR: Subsurface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) SurfSAR: Surface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) Fishing_ho: Total fishing effort in hours within c-square (Effort maps) Reported: Yes=Reported data. No= No reported data (area that does not contain effort/intensity value due to lack of reported data.

  • This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for mobile bottom-contacting gear in 2011based on VMS/Log book data processed by ICES Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps. HELCOM secretariat did the following processing to the data: - Conversion to ETRS89LAEA coordinate system - Added feature and attribute "Reported" to display unreported areas. Dataset attribute information: c-square: Unique reference of the c-square polygon mid_lat: latitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees mid_lon: longitude coordinate of the centroid of c-square inWGS84 decimal degrees Year: Year of fishing activity quarter: Quarter of the year, if applicable geargroup: Fishing gear group (Effort maps) SubsurfSAR: Subsurface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) SurfSAR: Surface swept area ratio (Intensity maps) Fishing_ho: Total fishing effort in hours within c-square (Effort maps) Reported: Yes=Reported data. No= No reported data (area that does not contain effort/intensity value due to lack of reported data.