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  • This core indicator evaluates the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea area based on oxygen debt. The oxygen debt value is calculated based on data reported to HELCOM COMBINE database using script developed in TARGREV project and further developed within EUTRO OPER project. The R-script for calculating oxygen is accessible from This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 open sea sub-basins and division of coastal areas to WFD water types or water bodies), but applicable only to certain open sea assessment units. Coastal areas were excluded from the shapefile. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Country" = country/ opensea "level_2" = name of subbasin "level_4" = Name of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit “Name_1” = "Name" = Name of the open sea area “Season” = Season of the indicator “Period” = Assessment unit period (20112016 = 2011 – 2016) "Indicator value (ES)" = Indicator value calculated for the assessment unit "Standard deviation (STD)" = Standard deviation of data used for calculating ES "Number of samples " = Number of samples in assessment unit "Thershold value (ET)" = Commonly agreed thershold value "Ratio between ES and ET (ER)" = Ratio between ES and ET (in case of indicator with positive response to eutrophication) "ES_SCORE” = Confidence based on the data used for calculating ES "ET_SCORE” = Confidence of target-setting procedure "I_SCORE” = Confidence (%) = average of ES-Score and ET-Score "Indicator Weight" = Indicator Weight in integrated eutrophication assessment “Status” = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail”, “Not assessed” or "Not applicable") “Confidence” = Confidence of result based on I-SCORE (“High”, “Moderate” or “Low”) "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator

  • This indicator evaluates the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea area based on dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration. The measured average DIN is based on in-situ measurements from oceanographic monitoring data for winter period (December-February) 2011-2016 for NO2 + NO3 + NH4 concentration (umol/l), surface water (0-10 m). More detailed description on methodology can be found at and This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 open sea sub-basins and division of coastal areas to WFD water types or water bodies). The open sea areas have been assessed based on HELCOM Monitoring data and results for coastal areas are based on national WFD results. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Country" = country/ opensea "level_2" = name of subbasin "level_4" = Name of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "Indicator" = Name of indicator “Season” = Season of the indicator (Winter = December-February) “Period” = Assessment unit period start and end year (20112016 = 2011 – 2016) Indicator value (ES) = Indicator value calculated for the assessment unit "Standard deviation (STD)" = Standard deviation of data used for calculating ES "Number of samples " = Number of samples per assessment unit "Thershold value (ET)" = Commonly agreed threshold value "Ratio between ES and ET (ER)" = Ratio between ES and ET (in case of indicator with positive response to eutrophication) "ES_SCORE” = Confidence based on the data used for calculating ES "ET_SCORE” = Confidence of target-setting procedure "I_SCORE” = Confidence (%) = average of ES-Score and ET-Score "Indicator Weight" = Indicator Weight in integrated eutrophication assessment “Status” = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail”, “Not assessed” or "Not applicable") “Confidence” = Confidence of result based on I-SCORE (“High”, “Moderate”, “Low” or "Not assessed") "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator

  • This dataset represents the Integrated biodiversity status assessment for grey seals. Status is shown in five categories based on the integrated assessment scores obtained in the tool. Biological quality ratios (BQR) above 0.6 correspond to good status. The status of the grey seals was assessed using four core indicators: - Population trends and abundance of seals - Distribution of Baltic seals - Nutritional status of seals - Reproductive status of seals. The assessment is based on the one-out-all-out approach, i.e. the indicator reflecting the worst status in each assessment unit. This dataset displays the result of the integrated biodiversity status in HELCOM Assessment unit Scale 2 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins). Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = ID of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "EcosystemC" = Ecosystem component analyzed "BQR" = Biological Quality Ratio "Conf" = Confidence of the assessment "Total_indi" = Number of indicators used "Area_km2" = Area of scale 2 assessment unit "F_of_ar_1" = Share of total area assessed "D1CX" = MSFD descriptor 1 criteria X "conf_D1C_1" = Confidence of the MSFD descriptor 1 criteria 2 "STATUS" = Status assessment category (0-0.2 = not good (lowest score), 0.2-0.4 = not good (lower score), 0.4-0.6 = not good (low score), 0.6-0.8 = good (high score, 0.8-1.0 = good (highest score))

  • This dataset represents the underlying biota data on core indicator Heavy metals – Cadmium. The core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in seawater, mussels and sediments. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. Threshold values are based on Environmental quality standards (EQS), defined at EU level for substances included in the priority list under the Water Framework Directive. Attribute information: "region" = name of subbasin "country" = country "station" = Unique code for the station "stationNam" = name for the station "latitude" = latitude coordinate of station "longitude" = longitude coordinate of station "determinan" = determinant parameter (CD = Cadmium) "detGroup" = the grouping of determinands used to display the results "species" = species of measurement "_shape" = shape used to map assessment results "colour" = colour used to map assessment results "l3area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 3 "l4area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 4 "nyall" = total number of years of data "nyfit" = number of years of data used in the assessment "nypos" = number of years with at least one measurement above the limit of detection "lastyear" = most recent year of data "prtrend" = the significance of the change over the most recent 20 years; for the assessment conducted in November 2017 and published in June 2018, this is the period 1996-2016 "rtrend" = annual ‘linear’ change over the most recent 20 years "meanLY" = fitted value in last monitoring year "clLY" = upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on fitted value in last monitoring year "HQS" = Threshold value "HQSdiff" = difference between clLY and HQS "HQSbelow" = whether the mean value in the last monitoring year is significantly below HQS

  • This dataset contains integrated eutrophication status assessment 2011-2016, visualized for nutrient levels (C1_ER). The assessment is done on HELCOM Assessment Unit level 4: HELCOM Subbasins with coastal WFD water type or water bodies. The HEAT 3.0 has been applied for open sea assessment units using HELCOM core indicators and for coastal areas using national WFD indicators. For more information about the methodology, see State of the Baltic Sea report and HELCOM Eutrophication assessment manual. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID": ID of HELCOM Level 4 Assessment unit "Country": Country/ open sea "level_2": Name of HELCOM Level 2 Assessment unit "Name": Name of HELCOM Level 4 Assessment unit "Area_km2": Area of assessment unit "C1_N": Criteria 1, number of indicators used for calculating Eutrophication Ratio (ER) "C1_ER": Criteria 1, ER "C1_SCORE": Criteria 1, Confidence of ER "C2_N": Criteria 2, number of indicators used for calculating ER "C2_ER": Criteria 2, ER "C2_SCORE": Criteria 2, Confidence of ER "C3_N": Criteria 3, number of indicators used for calculating ER "C3_ER": Criteria 3, ER "C3_SCORE": Criteria 3, Confidence of ER "N": Number of criteria used for calculating overall ER "ER": Overall ER "SCORE": Status confidence "STATUS": Status classification (Good (classes 0-0.5 & 0.5-1.0), Not Good (classes 1.0-1.5, 1.5-2.0 & >2.0), Not assessed) "CONFIDENCE": Final confidence rating (< 50% = low, 50-74 % = Moderate, = 75 % = High) "AULEVEL": Level of assessment units

  • This pre-core indicator evaluates the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea area based on cyanobacterial bloom index. The index is calculated using two types of data: biomass data and Earth observation data. More detailed description on methodology can be found at HELCOM pre-core indicator report and This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 open sea sub-basins and division of coastal areas to WFD water types or water bodies), but applicable only to certain open sea assessment units. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Country" = country/ opensea "level_2" = name of the subbasin "level_4" = Name of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit “Season” = Season of the indicator (Summer = June-September) “Period” = Assessment unit period start and end year (20112016 = 2011 – 2016) "Indicator value (ES)" = Indicator value calculated for the assessment unit "Standard deviation (STD)" = Standard deviation of data used for calculating ES "Number of samples " = Number of samples (not applicable for cyanobacterial bloom index) "Threshold value (ET)" = Commonly agreed threshold value "Ratio between ES and ET (ER)" = Ratio between ES and ET (in case of indicator with positive response to eutrophication) "ES_SCORE” = Confidence based on the data used for calculating ES "ET_SCORE” = Confidence of target-setting procedure "I_SCORE” = Confidence (%) = average of ES-Score and ET-Score "Indicator Weight" = Indicator Weight in integrated eutrophication assessment “Status” = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail”, “Not assessed” or "Not applicable") "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator "FID_12" = "Indicator" = Indicator name “CONFIDENCE” = Confidence of result based on I-SCORE (“High”, “Moderate”, “Low” or "Not assessed")

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of heavy metal Mercury (Hg) in fish muscle. Quantitative threshold value is used to evaluate if core indicators status is "Achieve", "Fail" or "Not assessed". Threshold values are based on Environmental quality standards (EQS), defined at EU level for substances included in the priority list under the Water Framework Directive. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "OBJECTID" = Object identification "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Descriptio" = Description of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Contamination ratio" = Contamination ratio in biota for this substance "STATUS" = Status of the indicator in biota, which in this case is also the overall Status, one-out-all-out (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of radioactive substances (Cs-137) in seawater and biota. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is "Achieve", "Fail" or "Not assessed". Good status is achieved when concentrations reach levels measured before the Chernobyl accident in 1986. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 2 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins) for flatfish. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit (subbasin) "Indicator" = Name of HELCOM Core indicator "Type" = Type of indicator "Threshold value" = Threshold value for specific assessment unit "Indicator value" = Value of indicator calculated for specific assessment unit "Status" = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”)

  • This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Distribution of Baltic seals 2018. This dataset contains reported observation for harbour seal. The core indicator evaluates seal distribution to determine whether it reflects good environmental status. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Good, Not good or Not assessed. Attribute information: "Species" = Species (HS = Harbour seal) "Country" = Country (2 digit acronym) "Site" = Name of site "Area" = Area "HELCOM_SUB" = Name of HELCOM Level 2 assessment unit "Latitude" = Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees) of site "Longitude" = Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees) of site "N2000_ID" = Natura2000 ID, if the site is located within Natura 2000 site (if available) "Year" = Year of observation "Month" = Month of observation "Day" = Day of observation (if available) "Count" = Number of individuals observed on site "Count_type" = Count type "Age" = Age of individuals (if available) "No_surveys" = Number of surveys "Method" = Method of survey "CV_Estimate" = "Estimate_T" = Estimate type: Modelled / minimum (observed) "Source" = Data source

  • This dataset represents the underlying biota data on core indicator Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS). The core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) in Baltic Sea fish and in a few assessment units using the secondary matrix seawater. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. Good status is achieved when the concentrations of PFOS are below the threshold value. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "region" = name of subbasin "country" = country "station" = Unique code for the station "stationNam" = name for the station "determinan" = determinant parameter "detGroup" = the grouping of determinands used to display the results "species" = species of measurement "_shape" = shape used to map assessment results "colour" = colour used to map assessment results "l3area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 3 "l4area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 4 "nyall" = total number of years of data "nyfit" = number of years of data used in the assessment "nypos" = number of years with at least one measurement above the limit of detection "lastyear" = most recent year of data "prtrend" = the significance of the change over the most recent 20 years; for the assessment conducted in November 2017 and published in June 2018, this is the period 1996-2016 "rtrend" = annual ‘linear’ change over the most recent 20 years "meanLY" = fitted value in last monitoring year "clLY" = upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on fitted value in last monitoring year "HQS" = Threshold value "HQSdiff" = difference between clLY and HQS "HQSbelow" = whether the mean value in the last monitoring year is significantly below HQS