hydroelectric energy
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This dataset contains points data of hydropower dams and dams downloaded from OpenStreetMap. Attributes specification and units Country: International Country Code (ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2 code elements) name: name of the structure, if available origin: "HOLAS 2" or "OSM" code_ID:OpenStreetMap ID or HOLAS2 Name or ID number of the hydropower dam
Total (monthly, and 5 year average) discharge from hydropower dams (m3/s). Data includes the water that passes the turbines as well as the water not passing the turbines. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Data contains only those hydropower dams that are situated closest to the Baltic coast (less than 40 km), are the first ones from the coast in the river network and have a direct connection to the Baltic Sea trough river. Swedish data is a combination of actual measurements and modelling. Modelled data have been calculated with s-hype2012_version_3_0_0. These data are also presented online at http://vattenwebb.smhi.se/regulations/. Please note that data from 2015 is provisional and may be subject to revisions. Attribute specification and units: X_Long: X (East) coordinate point Y_Lat: Y (North) coordinate point Country: Country (EE=Estonia, FI=Finland, SE=Sweden) ID: Name or ID number of the hydropower dam AVG_year: A calculated yearly average discharge (m3/s) (2011-2015) jan_2011 – dec_2015 : Monthly discharge (m3/s)