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This dataset contains actual (non-normalized) riverine flow as well as actual atmospheric and waterborne inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus. In addition the dataset includes the normalized total nutrient inputs (atmospheric + waterborne) of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Baltic Sea. The data are used in the HELCOM core indicator on Inputs of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to the sub-basins 1995-2020 ( The river input data is based on reported riverine monitoring data as reported in HELCOM PLC data collection. Data on waterborne inputs, water flow and retention are reported by Contracting Parties to the PLC-Water database. The data are verified and quality assured using the PLC water database ( verification tools and national expert quality assurance. Atmospheric input data for all Baltic Sea sub-basins are available for the period 1990-2020. Atmospheric transport and deposition of nitrogen compounds are used for modelling atmospheric deposition to the Baltic Sea based on official emission data reported by EMEP Contracting Parties and expert estimates. Atmospheric input and source allocation budgets of nitrogen (oxidized, reduced and total) to the Baltic Sea basins and catchments were computed using the latest version of EMEP MSC-W model. Input of nutrients (N=Nitrogen, P=Phospohus) units are tonnes per year per HELCOM PLC Subbasin. Area delineation of HELCOM PLC subbasins can be accessed from Subbasin acronyms stand for: BOB: Bothnian Bay BOS: Bothnian Sea (including ARC = Archipelago Sea) BAP: Baltic Proper GUF: Gulf of Finalnd GUR: Gulf og Riga DS: Danish Straits (= WEB + SOU) (= Western Baltic + Sound) KAT: Kattegat BAS: The Baltic Sea
Nutrient monitoring activities in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions have been implemented within BASE Project. BASE supports the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) in Russia. The monitoring pilot project is focused on the assessment of the nutrient loads coming to the Baltic Sea from Russian part of the catchment. The main activities within the pilot project include nutrient sampling and flow measurements in the river Neva catchment (downstream outlet from Lake Ladoga) and in the water objects of Kaliningrad region (Pregolya and its tributaries, other rivers of Vistula and Curonian Lagoon etc.). More information about results can be found from the BASE Project final report from the HELCOM website.
Nutrient monitoring activities in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions have been implemented within BASE Project. BASE supports the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) in Russia. The monitoring pilot project is focused on the assessment of the nutrient loads coming to the Baltic Sea from Russian part of the catchment. The main activities within the pilot project include nutrient sampling and flow measurements in the river Neva catchment (downstream outlet from Lake Ladoga) and in the water objects of Kaliningrad region (Pregolya and its tributaries, other rivers of Vistula and Curonian Lagoon etc.). More information about results can be found from the BASE Project final report from the HELCOM website.
Nutrient monitoring activities in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions have been implemented within BASE Project. BASE supports the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) in Russia. The monitoring pilot project is focused on the assessment of the nutrient loads coming to the Baltic Sea from Russian part of the catchment. The main activities within the pilot project include nutrient sampling and flow measurements in the river Neva catchment (downstream outlet from Lake Ladoga) and in the water objects of Kaliningrad region (Pregolya and its tributaries, other rivers of Vistula and Curonian Lagoon etc.). More information about results can be found from the BASE Project final report from the HELCOM website.
Screening activities for component Hazardous wastes on the Leningrad and Kaliningrad Region territories have been fulfilled within the BALTHAZAR project. The main goal of the Project BALTHAZAR is assistance in protection of the Baltic Sea from pollution through reducing of loading caused by agricultural entities (AE) and hazardous wastes. The component Hazardous wastes is focused on inventory of large landfills and estimation of current regime in hazardous wastes management. The main task of screening was to study impact of large landfills on environment of the Leningrad Oblast and Kaliningrad Oblast and to reveal the landfills causing the main loading on the Baltic Sea with pollutants. Screening results report on Leningrad: Screening results report on Kaliningrad:
Screening activities for component Hazardous wastes on the Leningrad and Kaliningrad Region territories have been fulfilled within the BALTHAZAR project. The main goal of the Project BALTHAZAR is assistance in protection of the Baltic Sea from pollution through reducing of loading caused by agricultural entities (AE) and hazardous wastes. The component Hazardous wastes is focused on inventory of large landfills and estimation of current regime in hazardous wastes management. The main task of screening was to study impact of large landfills on environment of the Leningrad Oblast and Kaliningrad Oblast and to reveal the landfills causing the main loading on the Baltic Sea with pollutants. Screening results report on Leningrad: Screening results report on Kaliningrad:
The data set includes the water flow and nutrient inputs (total nitrogen and phosphorous) of monitored river catchments and unmonitored areas as well as the nutrient inputs from point sources (municipal, industrial and aquaculture) that are directly discharging into the sea. The water flow and nutrient input data is available as actual (non-normalized) and flow normalized. The data covers the whole Baltic Sea drainage area and the years 1995-2022. Together the riverine and point source inputs provide the total land-based load of nutrients into the Baltic Sea. The data consists of several excel spreadsheets providing background info and actual load values. The spatial delineation of these catchments can be accessed through the metadata record for PLC Assessment data river catchments ( The tabular and the spatial data includes the catchments that have a full time series of data for 1995-2022, and the nutrient load of rivers with incomplete time series are added to the adjacent unmonitored areas. The non-normalized data is used in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Environmental Fact Sheet (BSEFS) on Waterborne nitrogen and phosphorus inputs and water flow to the Baltic Sea that is published annually ( The normalized data is used for the inputs of nutrients core indicator ( as well as the NIC assessment ( The assessment data set is based on the reporting by HELCOM Contracting Parties within the Pollution Load Compilation framework (PLC). The assessment dataset is produced by the Baltic Nest Institute (BNI), Stockholm University together with the Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE), Aarhus University from the original reported data. For a more detailed description of the spreadsheets and included data, please scroll down to lineage.
The objective of the Balthazar project was to assess the potential sources of nutrient loading from all types of large animal farms in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions and to perform risk assessment of nutrient leaching from the livestock farms into Baltic Sea. Report on large scale agricultural waste management activities:
HELCOM regularly produces a Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) which assesses the data collected by the Contracting Parties on total air and waterborne inputs of nutrients and some hazardous substances to the Baltic Sea. PLC are an important part of HELCOM´s assessment system on the status of the Baltic marine environment since 1987. HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation database (HELCOM PLC database) contains waterborne discharge data collected and reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties for annual and periodic assessments of inputs of nutrients and selected hazardous substances in to the Baltic Sea. Description of the data collected in the PLC database is presented in the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea: The database is hosted by Baltic Nest Institute, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.
The dataset reflects the spatial delineation of river catchments in the Baltic Sea drainage area. The data is based on the reporting by Contracting Parties within in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) framework. The catchments consist of monitored river catchments and unmonitored coastal areas. The delineation of the catchments can be connected to the flow and nitrogen and phosphorous load information available in the PLC assessment data set ( The river catchments consist of whole rivers, meaning that although a river would run through several countries or would be a border river between two countries, the catchment is not split into separate sub-catchments. The unmonitored areas are aggregated based on PLC subbasins and country areas, thus forming areas such as the unmonitored area of Finnish Gulf of Finland, Polish Baltic Proper or Danish Kattegat. Attribute information: SourceCode: Unique code for river catchment Name: Name of river catchment SubBasin: The PLC subbasin where the river meets the sea. Country: The Country on which territory the river mouth is located, for border rivers both are mentioned. Monitoring: The monitoring status of the river (M=monitored and U=unmonitored). Marked as monitored only if it’s been monitored for the whole time series. Transbound: Listing all countries that have the rivers drainage area on its territory. Area_km2: The total area of the catchment in square kilometers. flow_1995...flow_2022: The water flow of the river catchment for the whole time-series TN_1995...TN_2022: Total nitrogen load of the river catchment for the whole time-series TP_1995...TP_2022: Total phosphorus load of the river catchment for the whole time-series