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  • This dataset contains all heavy dioxins in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • This dataset contains all heavy metal monitoring station locations where seawater samples are analysed. The information is based on data reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • Estuaries (according to Habitats Directive Annex I) are coastal inlets that are strongly influenced by freshwater. The distribution map is based on data submission by HELCOM contracting parties. Most of the submitted data is based on modelling, GIS analysis and/or aerial photos. Data coverage, accuracy and the methods in obtaining the data vary between countries.

  • Broad-scale habitat maps for the Baltic Sea have been produced in the EUSeaMap project in 2016. For German and Estonian marine areas, national (more accurate) datasets were used. German data included both substrate and light information (division into infralittoral/circalittoral). Estonian data included only substrate and the division into light regimes was obtained from the EuSeaMap data. Here, the habitat class “infralittoral hard substrate” includes classes “Rock and other hard substrate” and “Coarse substrate” of the original data, in the infralittoral zone. The original polygon maps have been converted to 1 km x 1 km grid. The scale of the substrate data used in broad-scale habitat maps varies from 1:250 000 to 1:1M (data from EMODnet Geology). Coarser resolution data has been used in areas, where 1: 250 000 substrate data has not been available. Due to different scales used, the habitat classes may show different sized patterns in different areas.

  • Broad-scale habitat maps for the Baltic Sea have been produced in the EUSeaMap project in 2016. For German and Estonian marine areas, national (more accurate) datasets were used. German data included both substrate and light information (division into infralittoral/circalittoral). Estonian data included only substrate and the division into light regimes was obtained from the EuSeaMap data. Here, the habitat class “circalittoral sand includes classes “Sand” and “Muddy sand” of the original data, in the circalittoral zone. The original polygon maps have been converted to 1 km x 1km grid. The scale of the substrate data used in broad-scale habitat maps varies from 1:250 000 to 1:1M (data from EMODnet Geology). Coarser resolution data has been used in areas, where 1: 250 000 substrate data has not been available. Due to different scales used, the habitat classes may show different sized patterns in different areas.

  • This dataset contains all PBDE in seawater monitoring station locationsas reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • Sandbanks (according to Habitats Directive Annex I) are areas elevated from their surroundings that consist mainly of sand, but where cobbles and boulders can occur. Distribution map is based on data submission by HELCOM contracting parties. Most of the submitted data is based on modelling, GIS analysis and only limited ground-truthing has been carried out. Data coverage, accuracy and the methods in obtaining the data vary between countries.

  • The dataset contains data on bridges and other constructions. The dataset is constructed from Open Street Map “roads” shapefiles downloaded through Geofabrik by extracting all features where attribute bridges=1. It should be noted that the dataset contains major bridges and all other smaller constructions that have been classified as bridges in Open Street Map. The coverage for the dataset is whole Baltic.

  • Data for Furcellaria harvesting presenting the amount of dredged tonnes per unit area per year. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Estonia. The activity was declared as not relevant in Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden. Attribute specification and units: Dredged_ar: Furcellaria dredging area (km2, ND = no data available) Area: Area (fishing area) within dredging occurs (km2), area do not represent actual dredging area. 2011 - 2015: Amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes / year) Total: Amount (Sum) of dredged Furcellaria during 2011-2015 (tonnes) Average: Calculated annual average of the amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes/year)

  • Regional hunting numbers for Ringed seals 2011-2014.