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  • This dataset contains all heavy metal monitoring station locations where sediment is samples are analyzed as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • This dataset contains all HBCD in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • This dataset contains all HBCD in sediment monitoring station locations as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • This dataset contains all HBCD in seawater monitoring station locationsas reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • The occurrence of suitable nursery habitats is crucial for maintaining fish populations (Sundblad et al. 2013). Species distribution modelling studies have shown the importance of suitable environmental conditions for pikeperch recruitment. Due to lack of coherent data on pikeperch spawning and nursery areas across the Baltic Sea countries, environmental variables were used in delineating potential recruitment areas for pikeperch. The pikeperch recruitment area presented on the map is mainly delineated by selecting areas where depth < 5 m, logged exposure < 5, salinity < 7 PSU, Secchi depth < 2 m and distance to deep (10m) water < 4km. The threshold values have been obtained from literature (Veneranta et al. 2011, Bergström et al. 2013, Sundblad et al. 2013, Kallasvuo et al. 2016). Temperature, although important for pikeperch, was left out due to high variation in timing of suitable spawning temperatures across the Baltic Sea. In Finnish coastal waters, a national pikeperch model (Kallasvuo et al. 2016) has been used, with very suitable areas for pikeperch generalized to 1 km grid. In Sweden, the areas delineated by environmental variables have been complemented with information from national interview survey (Gunnartz et al. 2011) as well as expert opinion.

  • This dataset contains all dioxins in sediments monitoring station locations as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • Locations of the coastal protection structures. The dataset contains information about the coastal defence structure type and for some the structure length (m) and the year of construction. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Poland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Lithuanian area. From Latvia and Russia no data was reported. Attribute specification and units Country: Country Type: Modification structure type Const_year: Year of construction Estimated: Estimated date of completion if under construction (Estonia) or the year of environmental permit if year of construction is lacking (Finland) Out_of_use: Year when costal defence structure has been taken out of use Measure: Additional information about the modification structure Length: Length of the modified coastline (m) width: Width of the modification structure (m) Area: Area of the modification structure (km2) X_Lon: Original X (Longitude) coordinate point (Finland)

  • Dataset contains the largest oil terminals in the Baltic Sea and the volume of oil transported through. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. The statistics cover years 1997, 2000 - 2008 (where available), and 2011-2013. The statistics for 2011-2013 were derived from Baltic Port Lists published by Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. Attribute specification and units: YEAR1997…YEAR2013: Total (million tonnes) oil and oil products transported through the terminal during referred year.

  • Regional hunting numbers for Harbour seals 2011-2014.

  • Regional hunting numbers for Ringed seals 2011-2014.