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  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on the arrival of new non-indigenous species. The new NIS have been detected both through regular environmental monitoring activities and incidental sightings. The data have been verified by national experts. Monitoring is not considered to sufficiently cover all areas of the Baltic Sea and hot spot areas for new introductions (e.g. ports) to allow for the conclusion that in areas where no new NIS have been observed there have not been any new introductions. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 1 (whole Baltic Sea). Attribute information: "level_1" = Name of the HELCOM scale 1 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of the HELCOM scale 1 assessment unit "Status" = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator

  • This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Seasonal succession of dominating phytoplankton groups for HOLAS 3. The core indicator evaluates phytoplankton community structure to determine whether it reflects good environmental status. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Good, Not good or Not assessed. Attribute information: "Code"= ID of HELCOM level 2 assessment unit "Assessment" = Name of HELCOM level 2 assessment unit "Station" = Name of station "Lat" = Latitude of station in WGS 84 decimal degrees "Lon" = Longitude of station in WGS 84 decimal degrees "Data_avail" = Data availability period (years) "Reference" = Reference period (years) "Data_provi" = Data provider organisation "Country" = Data provider country "Station_na" = Station name "Date" = Sampling date and time "Year" = Year of sampling "Month" = Month of sampling "Cyano" = Cyanobacteria "Dino" = Dinoflagellates "Diatoms" = Diatoms "Meso_rub" = Mesodinium rubrum "CyanoIn" = "DinoIn" = "DiatomsIn" = "MesoRubIn" =

  • The indicator evaluates the coincidence of seasonal succession of dominating phytoplankton groups over an assessment period (commonly 5-6 years) using regionally established reference seasonal growth curves and wet weight biomass data. The indicator result value is based on the number of data points falling within the acceptable deviation range set for each monthly point of the reference growth curve and expressed as the percentage to the total number of data points. This result value is then compared to regionally relevant threshold values established to represent acceptable levels of variation. Strong deviations from the reference growth curves will result in failure to meet the thresholds set for acceptable variation, indicating impairment of the environmental status and a failure to meet good status. Seasonal succession of dominating phytoplankton groups displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 3 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and offshore areas). Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = HELCOM ID of the HELCOM scale 3 assessment unit "country" = Country "level_2" = Name of HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "level_3" = Name of HELCOM scale 3 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of HELCOM assessment unit "Overall Score" = Indicator value or result "Info" = additional info "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator "Status" = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Assessment" = Assessment unit name "Reference period" = Reference period(s) "Threshold value" = Threshold value (overall) "Indicator cyanobacteria" = Indicator value for cyanobacteria "Indicator dinoflagellates" = Indicator value for dinoflagellates "Indicator diatoms" = Indicator value for diatoms "Indicator Mesodinium rubrum" = Indicator value for Mesodinium rubrum "Indicator green algae" = Indicator value for green algae

  • This dataset contains results on HELCOM Assessment unit level 4b for water clarity. The information provided represents the data and results from the HELCOM HOLAS 3 indicator evaluation for eutrophication, covering the data period from 2016-2021. Data reported from national monitoring programmes to the HELCOM COMBINE database (hosted by ICES) is utilized for open sea assessment units. Open sea data extraction is carried out by ICES for in-situ (bottle) data creating the underlying assessment dataset [link ]. Coastal assessment units (WFD water types or water bodies) are assessed based on WFD result data reported by countries. Indicator analysis of both open sea and coastal areas is carried out using the HEAT assessment tool ( This analysis provide the basis of the HELCOM indicator evaluations and are utilized in the HOLAS 3 thematic assessment of eutrophication. Attribute description: ES = Eutrophication Status ES_SD = Standard Deviation ES_N = Number of Observations ES_N_Min = Minimum Number of Observations any given year ES_SE = Standards Error ES_CI = Confidence Interval ET = Eutrophication Target / Threshold ER = Eutrophication Ratio ACDEV = Acceptable Deviation BEST = ET / (1 + ACDEV / 100) EQR = Ecological Quality Ratio EQR_HG = Ecological Quality Ratio High/Good Boundary EQR_GM = Ecological Quality Ratio Good/Moderate Boundary EQR_MP = Ecological Quality Ratio Moderate/Poor Boundary EQR_PB = Ecological Quality Ratio Poor/Bad Boundary EQRS = Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled GTC = General Temporal Confidence STC = Specific Temporal Confindence TTC = Total Temporal Confidence GSC = General Spatial Confidence SSC = Specific Spatial Confidence TSC = Total Spatial Confidence TC = Total Confidence

  • This dataset contains results on HELCOM Assessment unit level 4b for shallow water oxygen. The information provided represents the data and results from the HELCOM HOLAS 3 indicator evaluation for eutrophication, covering the data period from 2016-2021. Shallow Water Oxygen results are reported by Contracting Parties based on data collected on national level by the Contracting Parties applying the indicator. Coastal assessment units (WFD water types or water bodies) are assessed based on WFD result data reported by countries. Indicator analysis of both open sea and coastal areas is carried out using the HEAT assessment tool ( This analysis provide the basis of the HELCOM indicator evaluations and are utilized in the HOLAS 3 thematic assessment of eutrophication. Attribute description: ES = Eutrophication Status ES_SD = Standard Deviation ES_N = Number of Observations ES_N_Min = Minimum Number of Observations any given year ES_SE = Standards Error ES_CI = Confidence Interval ET = Eutrophication Target / Threshold ER = Eutrophication Ratio ACDEV = Acceptable Deviation BEST = ET / (1 + ACDEV / 100) EQR = Ecological Quality Ratio EQR_HG = Ecological Quality Ratio High/Good Boundary EQR_GM = Ecological Quality Ratio Good/Moderate Boundary EQR_MP = Ecological Quality Ratio Moderate/Poor Boundary EQR_PB = Ecological Quality Ratio Poor/Bad Boundary EQRS = Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled GTC = General Temporal Confidence STC = Specific Temporal Confindence TTC = Total Temporal Confidence GSC = General Spatial Confidence SSC = Specific Spatial Confidence TSC = Total Spatial Confidence TC = Total Confidence

  • This dataset contains core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).

  • The indicator evaluates the status of the soft-bottom macrofauna community above the permanent halocline in the open sea areas of the Baltic Sea. Quantitative thresholds are used to classify the core indicators status in Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. The current assessment result shows good status in most of the evaluated assessment units. The indicator is not used in coastal areas which are assessed by national methods or in areas below the halocline which are assessed using the Oxygen debt indicator. The indicator takes into account the relative proportion of sensitive and tolerant species, as well as species richness and abundance. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 3 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas), so that the indicator is only applicable in the open sea assessment units. "HELCOM_ID" = HELCOM assessment unit scale 3 ID "country" = Country "level_2" = Name of scale 2 HELCOM assessment unit "level_3" = Name of scale 3 HELCOM assessment unit "coastal" = Code of scale 3 HELCOM assessment unit "open_sea" = Name of the open sea area "Status" = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Status value" = Value of the indicator "BQI normal" Biological Quality Ratio

  • This dataset contains results on HELCOM Assessment unit level 4b for oxygen debt. The information provided represents the data and results from the HELCOM HOLAS 3 indicator evaluation for eutrophication, covering the data period from 2016-2021. Data reported from national monitoring programmes to the HELCOM COMBINE database (hosted by ICES) is utilized for open sea assessment units. Open sea data extraction is carried out by ICES for in-situ (bottle) data creating the underlying assessment dataset [link ]. Coastal assessment units (WFD water types or water bodies) are assessed based on WFD result data reported by countries. Indicator analysis of both open sea and coastal areas is carried out using the HEAT assessment tool ( This analysis provide the basis of the HELCOM indicator evaluations and are utilized in the HOLAS 3 thematic assessment of eutrophication. Attribute description: ES = Eutrophication Status ES_SD = Standard Deviation ES_N = Number of Observations ES_N_Min = Minimum Number of Observations any given year ES_SE = Standards Error ES_CI = Confidence Interval ET = Eutrophication Target / Threshold ER = Eutrophication Ratio ACDEV = Acceptable Deviation BEST = ET / (1 + ACDEV / 100) EQR = Ecological Quality Ratio EQR_HG = Ecological Quality Ratio High/Good Boundary EQR_GM = Ecological Quality Ratio Good/Moderate Boundary EQR_MP = Ecological Quality Ratio Moderate/Poor Boundary EQR_PB = Ecological Quality Ratio Poor/Bad Boundary EQRS = Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled GTC = General Temporal Confidence STC = Specific Temporal Confindence TTC = Total Temporal Confidence GSC = General Spatial Confidence SSC = Specific Spatial Confidence TSC = Total Spatial Confidence TC = Total Confidence

  • Data represent the ecosystem service quantified benefit estimates in the Baltic Sea in 1x1km grid. Map is based on data submitted for the HOLAS3 data call and the methodology for estimating these benefits is described in the HOLAS 3 ESA thematic assessment report. The process involves the development of separate ecosystem component distribution maps and ecosystem service provision rate maps, which are then multiplied to calculate the estimated delivery of bio-physical benefits.

  • This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).