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MORS Environment database has been used to collate data resulting from monitoring of environmental radioactivity in the Baltic Sea based on HELCOM Recommendation 26/3. The database is structured according to HELCOM Guidelines on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (, which specifies reporting format, database structure, data types and obligatory parameters used for reporting data under Recommendation 26/3. The database is updated and quality assured annually by HELCOM Expert Group on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (EG MoRS). The monitoring data is collected and reported by national competent authorities in HELCOM Contracting Parties. National data source is included in metadata of each sample (parameter: LABORATORY). HELCOM EG MoRS validates and quality assures annually all data reported to HELCOM MORS Database.
MORS Discharge database has been used to collate data reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties on airborne and waterborne discharges resulting from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea and North Sea region based on HELCOM Recommendation 26/3. The database is structured according to HELCOM Guidelines on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (, which specifies reporting format, database structure, data types and obligatory parameters used for reporting data under Recommendation 26/3. The database is updated and quality assured annually by HELCOM MORS EG. The discharge data is reported by national competent authorities in HELCOM Contracting Parties to data consultant (STUK, Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority). HELCOM MORS Expert Group validates and quality assures annually all data reported to HELCOM MORS Discharge Database.
This online application serves as a joint regional tool to identify low risk routes for IMO Ballast Water Convention exemptions (A-4) for HELCOM and OSPAR marine areas. Data are provided following the port survey protocol described in the HELCOM/OSPAR Joint Harmonised Procedure. The database contains environmental data recorded from OSPAR and HELCOM ports as well as species observations and applies World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) taxonomy. The data model used is based on Darwin Core format, with required extensions added. The database can be searched, viewed and downloaded using a specific web application. The whole database can be downloaded as a zipped ESRI File geodatabase. The HELCOM/OSPAR Ballast Water Exemptions Decision Support Tool was further developed in the EU INTERREG Baltic Sea Region project COMPLETE, following work developed with funding through the HELCOM ALIENS 2 and 3 and BALSAM projects by the HELCOM Secretariat and Germany (BSH/Brockmann consult). The data contained in the database are resulting from various sources and contains also historical legacy data from old projects. Main sources are listed below: - HELCOM and OSPAR countries national projects - HELCOM ALIENS 2 - HELCOM ALIENS 3 - HELCOM BALSAM
HELCOM Coastal fish core indicator database (COOL) contains updated data used in coastal fish core indicators for every current monitoring station in the Baltic Sea and information on the latest status assessment for the two coastal fish indicators: The collection of monitoring data is described in the Monitoring guideline: The database was developed in BalticBoost project ( Theme 1: Biodiversity, which focused on developing a biodiversity assessment tool and improving data arrangements for the biodiversity elements where this is limited (e.g. coastal fish, birds and seals) so that a comprehensive assessment of biodiversity in the Baltic Sea can be carried out by 2018. The monitoring data is reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties and reported data is verified annually by HELCOM FISH-PRO group.
The aim of HELCOM Biodiversity database is to collate all available species observation data made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties from a single entry point. The database contains +1M species observations and applies World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) taxonomy. The data model used is based on Darwin Core format, with required extensions added. Species observations are mostly pointwise observations, but also gridded observations are included for some species. The database can be searched, viewed and downloaded using a specific web application. The whole database can be downloaded as a zipped ESRI File geodatabase. Disclaimer: Data in the database is stemming from various sources. While there has been considerable quality assurance efforts, the accuracy of data can not be quaranteed.
HELCOM Marine Protected Areas database (HELCOM MPA database) contains following information: The HELCOM MPA database contains information related to each MPA described in MPA fact sheets, which contains general information on the MPA, management plans, species, biotopes, biotope complexes as well as pressures and human activities related to the MPA. The HELCOM MPA database can be access from Spatial data on areas of MPAs, described in a separate shapefile: The designation of HELCOM MPAs is based on the HELCOM Recommendation 15/5 (1994). The data contained in HELCOM MPA database is reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties and has been collected since 2007 to HELCOM BSPA (Baltic Sea Protected Areas) database. The database was updated to Oracle database solution in ECONET project during 2015 and gradually updated as new information becomes available. The content of HELCOM MPA database is verified annually in HELCOM State & Conservation meetings.
HELCOM regularly produces a Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) which assesses the data collected by the Contracting Parties on total air and waterborne inputs of nutrients and some hazardous substances to the Baltic Sea. PLC are an important part of HELCOM´s assessment system on the status of the Baltic marine environment since 1987. HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation database (HELCOM PLC database) contains waterborne discharge data collected and reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties for annual and periodic assessments of inputs of nutrients and selected hazardous substances in to the Baltic Sea. Description of the data collected in the PLC database is presented in the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea: The database is hosted by Baltic Nest Institute, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.
The PLAN BOTHNIA project, co-ordinated by the HELCOM Secretariat, tested transboundary Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea. The project used the Bothnian Sea area between Sweden and Finland as a case study of Baltic transboundary MSP. The project was a Baltic Sea MSP “preparatory action” funded by EU Commission DG MARE (budget 0,5 M EUR ) under the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, and run 18 months between 2. December 2010 and 1. June 2012. The final report can be downloaded here: The data covers the following topics: Maritime traffic Fishing and aquaculture Energy Nature protected areas Defence Scientific research Sand and gravel Tourism and recreation Cultural heritage All spatial data gathered during the project can be downloaded and used freely given that the source is cited. The data was gathered during the time span of the project (December 2010 and 1. June 2012) and it covers: Maritime traffic Fishing and aquaculture Energy Nature protected areas Defence Scientific research Sand and gravel Tourism and recreation Cultural heritage The source of the data were HELCOM and the different regional councils surrounding the Bothnian Sea.