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  • This dataset contains core indicator "TBT and imposex - TBSN in water" results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). Attribute specifications and units: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "country": country in which the HELCOM assessment unit is located or a mention to an open sea area "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 2 "Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 4 "Open_sea" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in the open sea "F2_Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit "determinan" = Determinat "est" = The estimated mean loge concentration in the assessment unit "se" = The standard error on the estimated mean log concentration in the assessment unit "fit" = The estimated mean concentration in the assessment unit "upper_cl" = Upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration: exp(est + qnorm(0.95) * see) "Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out

  • This dataset contains monitoring data reported by Contracting Parties of HELCOM to ICES DOME database and extracted for use in Hazardous substances indicators under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). Attribute specifications and units: series region l3area: HELCOM ID for HELCOM assessment units in scale 3 l4area: HELCOM ID for HELCOM assessment units in scale 4 country station_co: station code station_na: station name station_lo: station long name latitude: latitude longitude: longitude MSTAT WLYTP determinan: determinand determin_1: determinand group species matrix basis unit sex metoa series_typ: series type sym_shape colour n_year_all n_year_fit n_year_pos: n year positive first_year: first year all first_ye_1: first year fit last_year p_nonlinea p_linear p_overall p_linear_t: p linear trend linear_tre: linear trend p_recent_t: p recent trend recent_tre: recent trend detectable: detectable trend mean_last_: mean last year climit_las: climit last year BAC_type BAC_value BAC_diff BAC_achiev BAC_below EAC_type EAC_value EAC_diff EAC_achiev EAC_below imposex_cl: imposed class

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of heavy metal Lead (Pb) in water, biota and sediments. Quantitative thresholds are used to classify core indicators status in “Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”. Threshold values are based on Environmental quality standards (EQS), defined at EU level for substances included in the priority list under the Water Framework Directive. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "OBJECTID" = Object identification "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Descriptio" = Description of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator "Contamination ratio in biota" = Contamination ratio in biota for this substance "Status in biota" = Status of the indicator in biota (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Contamination ratio in sediment" = Contamination ratio in sediment for this substance "Status in sediment" = Status of the indicator in sediment (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Contamination ratio in water " = Contamination ratio in water for this substance "Status in water" = Status of the indicator in water(“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Overall Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”)

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Baltic Sea fish. Quantitative threshold values are used to classify core indicators status in "Fail", "Achieve" or "Not assessed". The threshold value is an environmental quality standard (EQS), derived at EU level as a substance included on the priority list under Directive 2008/105/EC. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "OBJECTID" = Object identification "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Country" = country( opensea "Contamination ratio in biota" = Contamination ratio in biota for this substance "Status in biota" = Status of the indicator in biota (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Contamination ratio in sediment" = Contamination ratio in sediment for this substance "Status in sediment" = Status of the indicator in sediment (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Overall Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "level_2" = Name of assessment unit for the evaluation "type_desc" = Description of the assessment unit "name" = Name of the scale 4 assessment unit

  • Input of hazardous substances pressure layer is interpolated from CHASE Assessment tool concentration component. The contamination ratio values were calculated with CHASE Assessment tool for hazardous substances monitored in water, sediment and biota. Classified mean contamination ratio was used in the interpolation. Classification is based on the The points were interpolated to cover the entire Baltic Sea with Spline with barriers interpolation method. Please see "lineage" section below for further details on attributes, data source, data processing, etc.

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons PAHs - Anthracene in sediment. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is "Achieve", "Fail" or "Not assessed". Attribute specifications and units: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "country": country in which the HELCOM assessment unit is located or a mention to an open sea area "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 2 "Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 4 "Open_sea" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in the open sea "F2_Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit "determinan" = Determinat "est" = The estimated mean loge concentration in the assessment unit "se" = The standard error on the estimated mean log concentration in the assessment unit "fit" = The estimated mean concentration in the assessment unit "upper_cl" = Upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration: exp(est + qnorm(0.95) * see) "colour" = symbology "Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out

  • This dataset represents the results of core indicator on Polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs in biota results. The core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of non-dioxin like PCB in Baltic Sea fish. Good status is achieved when the concentrations of PCB, dioxin and furan are below the threshold values. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute specifications and units: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "country": country in which the HELCOM assessment unit is located or a mention to an open sea area "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 2 "Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 4 "Open_sea" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in the open sea "F2_Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit "determinan" = Determinat "est" = The estimated mean loge concentration in the assessment unit "se" = The standard error on the estimated mean log concentration in the assessment unit "fit" = The estimated mean concentration in the assessment unit "upper_cl" = Upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration: exp(est + qnorm(0.95) * see) "Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Baltic Sea fish. Quantitative threshold values are used to classify core indicators status in "Fail", "Achieve" or "Not assessed". The threshold value is an environmental quality standard (EQS), derived at EU level as a substance included on the priority list under Directive 2008/105/EC. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "country" = country in which the HELCOM assessment unit is located or a mention to an open sea area "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in scale 2 "name" = Name of the scale 4 assessment unit "Open_sea" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit in the open sea "F2_Name" = Name of the HELCOM assessment unit "determinan" = Determinat "est" = The estimated mean loge concentration in the assessment unit "se" = The standard error on the estimated mean log concentration in the assessment unit "fit" = The estimated mean concentration in the assessment unit "upper_cl" = Upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration: exp(est + qnorm(0.95) * see) "Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out

  • The layer depicts the pressure of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, based on the data from the HOLAS 3 integrated hazardous substances assessment. The methodology utilizes the integrated status values available for each HELCOM assessment unit on level 3. The results are based on multiple hazardous substances groups integration, done through the CHASE tool. The integrated assessment assess the hazardous substances status in biota, water and sediment, and final result in based on the worst status. As the SPIA is carried out using a 1x1km grid and the Integrated hazardous substances is assessed on vector-based HELCOM assessment units, the vector data is rasterized. First, the vector data is rasterized to 100x100m resolution, and thereafter it is aggregated to 10x10km grid using a mean value. A 10 km grid is used in order to make the gradients between assessment units slightly smoother and finally values are converted to 1x1 km resolution. Please see "lineage" section below for further details.

  • This dataset contains seawater monitoring data reported by Contracting Parties of HELCOM to ICES DOME database and extracted for use in Hazardous substances indicators under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). Attribute specifications and units: series region l3area: HELCOM ID for HELCOM assessment units in scale 3 l4area: HELCOM ID for HELCOM assessment units in scale 4 country station_co: station code station_na: station name station_lo: station long name latitude: latitude longitude: longitude MSTAT WLYTP determinan: determinand determin_1: determinand group filtered basis unit series_typ: series type sym_shape colour n_year_all n_year_fit n_year_pos: n year positive first_year: first year all first_ye_1: first year fit last_year p_nonlinea p_linear p_overall p_linear_t: p linear trend linear_tre: linear trend p_recent_t: p recent trend recent_tre: recent trend detectable: detectable trend mean_last_: mean last year climit_las: climit last year EAC_type EAC_value EAC_diff EAC_achiev EAC_below