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  • This dataset displays coastal fish monitoring points as defined by HELCOM FISH-PRO group and stored in HELCOM Coastal fish database (COOL). Monitoring of coastal fish contains two geometry types: Monitoring points for pointwise locations, where CPUE is reported per point and monitoring areas where CPUE is reported per monitoring area (ICES subdivision or square).

  • This dataset contains all heavy dioxins in biota monitoring station locations, observed matrix, biota matrix and monitored species as reported to HELCOM secretariat by HELCOM Contracting Parties by 2016.

  • This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).

  • A vector grid in 2 x 2 km resolution showing model results of environmental impact caused by spill of soluble chemicals from ships of all sizes as g oil / km^2 weighted.This dataset has been produced by COWI ( for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, Fields: COL_NO (Dbl): Column ROW_NO (Dbl): Row WLoad (Dbl): Environmental impact (g oil / km^2 weighted).

  • Summary Estimated observations of the biotope 1160 were collected from the Baltic Sea area by expert judgements for HELCOM Red List of biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes. Description Large shallow inlets and baysThe HELCOM Red List of Baltic Sea underwater biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes (2013) is an updated and improved version of the Red List assessment of marine and coastal biotopes and biotope complexes published in 1998. The classification of the report follows the proposed International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria and assessment principals but with some modifications for the Baltic Sea.Altogether, the HELCOM Underwater Biotope and habitat classification (HELCOM HUB) includes 209 biotopes of which 59 were red-listed. Many of the red-listed biotopes are located in deep areas of the Baltic Sea due to oxygen-free nature as well as in the southwestern Baltic Sea due to the salinity restricted distribution of species in certain biotope. The HELCOM assessment relies heavily on expert judgment and inference, and the questionnaire data represents the estimated presence-absence data not in-situ measured data. This must be taken in account when observing the map presentation. The biotopes are shown on the map using the EEA 100 km grid. This dataset displays estimated presence of the biotope 1160 according to HELCOM RED LIST assessment experts:Large shallow inlets and bays occur in all HELCOM sub-regions of the Baltic Sea area. The distribution map indicates the area in the 100x100 km grid where biotope is known to occur (Naturvårdverket 2011, EUNIS Database).(Data (expert judgements) collected in HELCOM RED LIST project, released in May 2013)

  • Baltic International Trawl Survey (BITS) data (2011-2016) from ICES DATRAS database was used as a base to create a map of cod relative abundance (quarter 1 data, CPUE values per ICES subdivision). Cod = 30cm was included. For ICES rectangles surveyed by BITS, values shown are the mean CPUE per ICES subdivision based on BITS data, average for 2011-2016. For ICES rectangles not surveyed by BITS, values are calculated as: MAX-value x Weighting factor. The weighting factor is specific to each ICES rectangle, calculated as the ratio between the commercial landings in that rectangle and the commercial landings in the ICES rectangle with highest landings (based on averages for 2011-2016). MAX-value = CPUE according to BITS in the ICES rectangle with highest landings. ICES rectangles outside the BITS survey area with no reported cod landings were given the value 0. Values were first log transformed and then normalized.

  • This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).

  • This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Abundance of coastal fish key functional groups. The core indicator evaluates the abundance of selected functional groups of coastal fish in the Baltic Sea. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Good, Not good or Not assessed. As a rule, good status is achieved when the abundance of piscivores (i.e. fish that feed on other fish) is above a site-specific threshold value, and the abundance of cyprinids or mesopredators (i.e. mid trophic-level fish) is within an acceptable range for the specific site. The status of functional groups of coastal fish in the Baltic Sea has been evaluated by assessing the status of piscivores and cyprinids/mesopredators during the period 2011-2016. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 3 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and offshore areas). Attribute information: "COUNTRY" = Country code "DATAPROVID" = Data provider "AREANAME" = ICES area "ASSESSMENT" = Name of scale 3 HELCOM assessment unit "FUNC_GROUP" = Functional group "IND_VALUE" = Result value for the indicator "METHOD" = Catch method "GEARTYPE" = Gear type of catch "SEASONID" = Season

  • This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in biota and sediment. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is "Achieve", "Fail" or "Not assessed". This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas and division of the coastal areas by WFD water types or water bodies). Attribute information: "OBJECTID" = Object identification "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Descriptio" = Description of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator "level_2" = name of subbasin "Contamination ratio in biota" = Contamination ratio in biota for this substance "Status in biota" = Status of the indicator in biota (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Contamination ratio in sediment" = Contamination ratio in sediment for this substance "Status in sediment" = Status of the indicator in sediment (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”) "Overall Status" = Overall Status of the indicator according to one-out-all-out (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”)

  • This dataset represents the underlying biota data on core indicator Radioactive substances: Cesium-137 for herring and for flatfish. The core indicator evaluates the state of the environment using the concentration of the radioactive isotope cesium-137 (137Cs) in herring, in flatfish and in surface waters. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. Good status is achieved when concentrations reach levels measured before the Chernobyl accident in 1986 when the biota of the Baltic Sea received the most significant contribution to their level of artificial radionuclides, predominantly in the form of 137Cs. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 2 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins). Attribute information: "KEY" = MORS Database unique sample identifier "Year" = Year of observation "STATION" = Name of sampling station "NUCLIDE" = Nuclide measured "BASINNAME" = Name of subbasin "TISSUE_DES" = Part of fish used for the measurement "RUBIN" = Species of measurement (CLUP HAR = herring, PLAT FLE = flatfish) "VALUE_Bq_k" = Value of measurement in Bq/kg "ERROR_" = error % of the measurement