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  • This dataset represents the integrated assessment of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea in 2016-2021. This dataset displays the result of the assessment in HELCOM Assessment unit Level 3 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and offshore areas).

  • This dataset contains pre-core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).

  • This dataset contains cyanobacterial bloom index data used in the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).

  • This pre-core indicator evaluates the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea area based on cyanobacterial bloom index. The index is calculated using two types of data: biomass data and Earth observation data. More detailed description on methodology can be found at HELCOM pre-core indicator report and This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 4 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 open sea sub-basins and division of coastal areas to WFD water types or water bodies), but applicable only to certain open sea assessment units. Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = Code of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Country" = country/ opensea "level_2" = name of the subbasin "level_4" = Name of the HELCOM scale 4 assessment unit "Area (km2)" = Area of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit “Season” = Season of the indicator (Summer = June-September) “Period” = Assessment unit period start and end year (20162021 = 2016 – 2021) "Indicator value (ES)" = Indicator value calculated for the assessment unit "Standard deviation (STD)" = Standard deviation of data used for calculating ES "Number of samples " = Number of samples (not applicable for cyanobacterial bloom index) "Threshold value (ET)" = Commonly agreed threshold value "Ratio between ES and ET (ER)" = Ratio between ES and ET (in case of indicator with positive response to eutrophication) "ES_SCORE” = Confidence based on the data used for calculating ES "ET_SCORE” = Confidence of target-setting procedure "I_SCORE” = Confidence (%) = average of ES-Score and ET-Score "Indicator Weight" = Indicator Weight in integrated eutrophication assessment “Status” = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail”, “Not assessed” or "Not applicable") "AULEVEL" = Assessment unit level used for the indicator "FID_12" = "Indicator" = Indicator name “CONFIDENCE” = Confidence of result based on I-SCORE (“High”, “Moderate”, “Low” or "Not assessed")

  • This dataset represents the aggregated results for pelagic habitat indicators from eutrophication assessment (Chlorophyll-a and Water Clarity). The dataset was created in order to update the information for the integrated assessment under HOLAS 3. MEAN_EQRS_PelagicIntegration_NEW=Mean of Chrolophyll-a and Water clarity indicator MEAN_EQRS_CPHL=Mean EQRS of Chlorophyll-a Clarity indicator 2016-2021 MEAN_EQRS_SECC=Mean EQRS of Water Clarity indicator 2016-2021 Status=Status of Assessment unit based on mean of Chrolophyll-a and Water clarity indicator (Good, Moderate, Poor, Bad, Not assessed)

  • This dataset contains the Coastal fish integrated assessment and the Commercial fish integrated assessment results for the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). Status is shown in five categories based on the integrated assessment scores obtained in the tool. Biological Quality Ratios (BQR) above 0.6 correspond to good status. The datasets were created using the BEAT tool. This dataset for commercial fish integrated assessment displays the results of the integrated biodiversity status in ICES statistics rectangles. The dataset for coastal fish integrated assessment displays the result in HELCOM Assessment unit Scale 3 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins and further division into coastal and off-shore areas). Attribute information for "Coastal fish integrated assessment": "HELCOM_ID" = id of the HELCOM assessment unit "country" = name of the country / opensea "level_2" = HELCOM sub-basins (name of the scale 2 assessment unit) "Level_34" = Name of the HELCOM scale 3 assessment unit "coastal" = id of the coastal HELCOM assessment unit "open_sea" = id of the HELCOM assessment unit in the open sea "SAUID" = ID number for the spatial assessment unit "SAULEVEL" = spatial assessment unit ID in which the assessment status took place "SAU" = Name the spatial assessment unit "ECID" = Ecosystem component id "EClevel" = Ecosystem component assessed level "EcosystemC" = Ecosystem component assessed "Status" = Integrated status category (0-0.2 = not good (lowest score), 0.2-0.4 = not good (lower score), 0.4-0.6 = not good (low score), 0.6-0.8 = good (high score), 0.8-1.0 = good (highest score)) "Conf" = Confidence of the assessment (0-1, higher values mean higher confidence) "ConfClass" = Confidence class "BQR" = Biological Quality Ratio Attribute information for "Commercial fish integrated assessment results": "Major_FA" = FAO Major fishing areas "SubArea" = FAO Major fishing areas sub Area "Division" = FAO Major fishing areas division "SubDivisio" = ICES Sub-division "Unit" = unit "Area_Full" = Full name of the ICES SD "DEM" = Values for demersal fish "PEL" = Values for pelagic fish "Confidence" = Confidence of the assessment (0-1, higher values mean higher confidence) "BQR" = Biological Quality Ratio

  • The Diatom/Dinoflagellate index (Dia/Dino index) reflects the dominance patterns in the phytoplankton spring bloom. It has high relevance for the pathway of the food into the pelagic or benthic food web. In principle, the indicator is applicable in all coastal and open sea assessment units, except lagoons, large river plumes and the Bothnian Bay; however, thresholds for the good status are defined only for the southern and central Baltic Sea up to now. In this assessment unit, the average Dia/Dino index of the years 2016-2021 was just below the threshold value of 0.5 for good status. The confidence of the indicator evaluation depends on the data frequency. The data have to represent the diatom and dinoflagellate blooms adequately. If the diatom bloom is not sufficiently represented in the data, an alternative Dia/Dino index may be applied, based on silicate consumption data. This indicator is robust; its calculation is simple and traceable. The phytoplankton monitoring is operational in the whole Baltic Sea using methods prescribed in the COMBINE manual. Currently, a high quality of the data is assured by the experts of the HELCOM Phytoplankton Expert Group (PEG). The basic data are phytoplankton biomass data, determined as explained in the HELCOM COMBINE manual, originating from the depth of 0 – 10 m. Also silicate data were used that were taken parallel to the phytoplankton sampling. Diatom-dinoflagellate ratio dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 2 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins). Attribute information: "HELCOM_ID" = ID of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "level_2" = Name of the HELCOM scale 2 assessment unit "Indicator_" = Name of the indicator "Period" = Interval of year of the sampling "AnnualSamp" = Assessment average sampling value "Unit" = Unit of the indicator "Type" = Type of indicator (1=monotonic, 2=unimodal, optimal range) "Threshold_" = Threshold value of indicator "Indicator1" = Result of the indicator "Status" = Status of the indicator (“Achieve”, “Fail” or “Not assessed”)

  • The dataset contains the compilation of the abundance and distribution of Baltic seals from the data submitted by HELCOM contracting parties to the data call for HOLAS 3. Data was received from DE, DK, EE, FI, PL and SE. The dataset contains a geodatabase with the harmonized data. Data were provided in point, line and polygon format.

  • This dataset contains datasets for the Eutrophication assessment developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). The dataset contains all Baltic Sea monitoring bottle data reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties to ICES for the HOLAS3 assessment period 2016-2021. The data have been reported using the ICES Ocean reporting format:

  • Data represent the ecosystem service quantified benefit estimates in the Baltic Sea in 1x1km grid. Map is based on data submitted for the HOLAS3 data call and the methodology for estimating these benefits is described in the HOLAS 3 ESA thematic assessment report. The process involves the development of separate ecosystem component distribution maps and ecosystem service provision rate maps, which are then multiplied to calculate the estimated delivery of bio-physical benefits.