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  • This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substances on the Baltic Sea from land based sources. The data, obtained through national monitoring programmes in 2014, were reported by Contracting Parties to HELCOM in the frame of HELCOM PLC-6 project and collected in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-water) database ( The reporting was organized in accordance with the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water, The dataset has been produced based on guidance by HELCOM PRESSURE and REDCORE Drafting Group. The dataset contains following attributes: Unique code: unique code of the source Name: subcatchment name Country: country in the BS catchment area PLC Basin: Baltic Sea PLC Basin Year: data year Conc_TN: Nitrogen concentrations Conc_TP: Phosphorus concentratios Latitude: latitude Longitude: longitude Station code: unique code of the monitoring station

  • This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substances on the Baltic Sea from land based sources. The data, obtained through national monitoring programmes in 2014, were reported by Contracting Parties to HELCOM in the frame of HELCOM PLC-6 project and collected in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-water) database ( The reporting was organized in accordance with the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water, The dataset has been produced based on guidance by HELCOM PRESSURE and REDCORE Drafting Group. The dataset contains following attributes: Unique code: unique code of the industrial direct source Name: name of the industrial site Country: country in the BS catchment area PLC sub-basin: Baltic Sea PLC sub-basin Total annual N load: Total annual N load Total annual P load: Total annual P load

  • This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substances on the Baltic Sea from land based sources. The data, obtained through national monitoring programmes in 2014, were reported by Contracting Parties to HELCOM in the frame of HELCOM PLC-6 project and collected in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-water) database ( The reporting was organized in accordance with the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water, The dataset has been produced based on guidance by HELCOM PRESSURE and REDCORE Drafting Group. The dataset contains following attributes: Unique code: unique code of the aquaculture Producer: name of the producer Country: country in the BS catchment area Sub-basin: Baltic Sea PLC sub-basin Total annual N load: Total annual N load Total annual P load: Total annual P load

  • This dataset contains results on HELCOM Assessment unit level 4b for dissolved inorganic phosphorus. The information provided represents the data and results from the HELCOM HOLAS 3 indicator evaluation for eutrophication, covering the data period from 2016-2021. Data reported from national monitoring programmes to the HELCOM COMBINE database (hosted by ICES) is utilized for open sea assessment units. Open sea data extraction is carried out by ICES for in-situ (bottle) data creating the underlying assessment dataset [link ]. Coastal assessment units (WFD water types or water bodies) are assessed based on WFD result data reported by countries. Indicator analysis of both open sea and coastal areas is carried out using the HEAT assessment tool ( This analysis provide the basis of the HELCOM indicator evaluations and are utilized in the HOLAS 3 thematic assessment of eutrophication. Attribute description: ES = Eutrophication Status ES_SD = Standard Deviation ES_N = Number of Observations ES_N_Min = Minimum Number of Observations any given year ES_SE = Standards Error ES_CI = Confidence Interval ET = Eutrophication Target / Threshold ER = Eutrophication Ratio ACDEV = Acceptable Deviation BEST = ET / (1 + ACDEV / 100) EQR = Ecological Quality Ratio EQR_HG = Ecological Quality Ratio High/Good Boundary EQR_GM = Ecological Quality Ratio Good/Moderate Boundary EQR_MP = Ecological Quality Ratio Moderate/Poor Boundary EQR_PB = Ecological Quality Ratio Poor/Bad Boundary EQRS = Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled GTC = General Temporal Confidence STC = Specific Temporal Confindence TTC = Total Temporal Confidence GSC = General Spatial Confidence SSC = Specific Spatial Confidence TSC = Total Spatial Confidence TC = Total Confidence

  • Eutrophication, caused by excess inputs of nutrients, is one of the main threats affecting the Baltic Sea marine environment. Nutrients enter the Baltic Sea as waterborne (riverine inputs from the catchment area and direct discharges from point and diffuse sources in coastal areas) and airborne (atmospheric deposition) inputs. In 2007 HELCOM adopted a nutrient reduction scheme which is based on maximum allowable nutrient inputs (MAI) to reach "good environmental status" and country-wise nutrient reduction targets (CART) to share the burden of reducing nutrient pollution to the sea (HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan). Monitoring of nutrient inputs to the sea is important for assessing progress of countries towards their CART and to evaluate the effectiveness of measures to reduce pollution. This dataset displays total normalized annual average phosphorus loading as produced for href="" target="_blank"> HELCOM Core indicator: Inputs of nutrients to the subbasins based on HELCOM PLC data. Green colour of PLC subbasin indicates that inputs during 2016 were lower than MAI, red colour when they were higher, while yellow indicates that when taking into account the statistical uncertainty of input data it is not possible to determine whether MAI was fulfilled. The dataset contains following attributes: Basin: Name of PLC Subbasin Maximum allowable nutrient input: Maximum allowable phosphorus input for the subbasin (tons/year) P input including statistical uncertainty 2016: the average normalized phosphorus input during 2016 (tonnes/year) including statistical uncertainty for the subbasin Input 2016 including stat. uncertainty in % of MAI: proportion of average normalized phosphorus input during 2016 compared to MAI Classification of achieving MAI: Classification of achieving MAI is given in colours: green=MAI fulfilled, yellow= fulfilment is not determined due to statistical uncertainty, and red=MAI not fulfilled.

  • Concentration of phosphorus pressure layer is interpolated from annual seasonal average of total phosphorus measurements from surface waters (0-10 m) extracted from ICES’s oceanographic database, database of Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, EEA’s Eionet database and Data from Gulf of Finland year 2014. The points were interpolated to cover the entire Baltic Sea with Spline with barriers interpolation method. Values were log-transformed and normalised (more detailed description below).

  • This dataset contains results on HELCOM Assessment unit level 4b for total phosphorus. The information provided represents the data and results from the HELCOM HOLAS 3 indicator evaluation for eutrophication, covering the data period from 2016-2021. Data reported from national monitoring programmes to the HELCOM COMBINE database (hosted by ICES) is utilized for open sea assessment units. Open sea data extraction is carried out by ICES for in-situ (bottle) data creating the underlying assessment dataset [link ]. Coastal assessment units (WFD water types or water bodies) are assessed based on WFD result data reported by countries. Indicator analysis of both open sea and coastal areas is carried out using the HEAT assessment tool ( This analysis provide the basis of the HELCOM indicator evaluations and are utilized in the HOLAS 3 thematic assessment of eutrophication. Attribute description: ES = Eutrophication Status ES_SD = Standard Deviation ES_N = Number of Observations ES_N_Min = Minimum Number of Observations any given year ES_SE = Standards Error ES_CI = Confidence Interval ET = Eutrophication Target / Threshold ER = Eutrophication Ratio ACDEV = Acceptable Deviation BEST = ET / (1 + ACDEV / 100) EQR = Ecological Quality Ratio EQR_HG = Ecological Quality Ratio High/Good Boundary EQR_GM = Ecological Quality Ratio Good/Moderate Boundary EQR_MP = Ecological Quality Ratio Moderate/Poor Boundary EQR_PB = Ecological Quality Ratio Poor/Bad Boundary EQRS = Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled GTC = General Temporal Confidence STC = Specific Temporal Confindence TTC = Total Temporal Confidence GSC = General Spatial Confidence SSC = Specific Spatial Confidence TSC = Total Spatial Confidence TC = Total Confidence

  • This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substances on the Baltic Sea from land based sources. The data, obtained through national monitoring programmes in 2014, were reported by Contracting Parties to HELCOM in the frame of HELCOM PLC-6 project and collected in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-water) database ( The reporting was organized in accordance with the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water, The dataset has been produced based on guidance by HELCOM PRESSURE and REDCORE Drafting Group. The dataset contains following attributes: Unique code: unique code of the municipal direct sources Name of WWTP: name of the municipal WWTP Country: country in the BS catchment area PLC sub-basin: Baltic Sea PLC sub-basin Water flow: water flow Total annual N load: Total annual N load Total annual P load: Total annual P load

  • The layer depicts the pressure of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, based on the data from the HOLAS 3 integrated eutrophication assessment. The methodology utilizes the Eutrophication Quality Ratios (EQRS) available for each HELCOM assessment unit on level 4b. The results of integrated eutrophication assessment combines the information of the three MSFD criteria groups (C1: Nutrient levels, C2: Direct effect, C3: Indirect effect) and use this value as an indication of pressure for each assessment unit. The Spatial Impact and Pressure Assessment is carried out using a 1x1km grid while the Integrated eutrophication status is assessed on vector based HELCOM assessment units, the vector data are rasterized. First, the vector data are rasterized to 100x100m resolution, and after that it is aggregated to a 10x10km grid using a mean value. A 10 km grid is used in order to make the gradients between assessment units slightly smoother and finally the values converted to 1x1 km resolution. The scale for the pressure values in the map (0.26-1) represents the scale in the original source data.

  • This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substances on the Baltic Sea from land based sources. The data, obtained through national monitoring programmes in 2014, were reported by Contracting Parties to HELCOM in the frame of HELCOM PLC-6 project and collected in the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-water) database ( The reporting was organized in accordance with the HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water, The dataset has been produced based on guidance by HELCOM PRESSURE and REDCORE Drafting Group. The dataset contains following attributes: Source code: unique code of the sub-catchment Name: sub-catchment name Sub-basin: Baltic Sea PLC sub-basin Country: country in the BS catchment area Monitoring: monitoring status Total N specific load ( Total N specific load ( kg/ Total P specific load ( Total P specific load (kg/