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  • Input of heat pressure dataset contains delta heat values from warm water discharge of - Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants - Fossil fuel energy production. The Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants was requested from HELCOM Contracting Parties. Average temperature change of the cooling water (°C) and amount of cooling water (m3) was used to calculate the heat load in TWh. No data on heat load was available for the Leningrad nuclear power plant; therefore the average heat load (TWh) of discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants was given. No heat load information was available for fossil fuel energy production sites. Heat load of 1 (TWh) was given to all production sites, based on average heat load of individual production site in Helsinki from recent years. 1 km buffer was used for both datasets with steep decline around the outlet. Overlapping areas were summed. Heat load from both layers were summed and the layer was normalized.

  • This dataset is the first dedicated SMOS Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) product for the Baltic basin to enhance the science capabilities in the Baltic region and help to fill the gaps and grand challenges identified by the scientific community. These new product has been created under the funded ESA project ITT Baltic+ Salinity dynamics (4000126102/18/I-BG). This basin is one of the most challenging regions for the satellite SSS retrieval. The available EO-based SSS products are quite limited in terms of spatio-temporal coverage and quality. This is mainly due to technical limitations that strongly affect the brightness temperatures (TB), such as the high contamination by interferences and the contamination close to land and ice edges. Moreover, the sensitivity of TB to SSS changes is very low and dielectric models present limitations in this low salinity regime. Baltic+ L4 SSS product comprises 9 years (2011-2019) of daily maps at 0.05 degrees. A detailed explanation of the product algorithms and validation can be found at and in the publication: Gonzalez-Gambau et al., “First SMOS Sea Surface Salinity dedicated products over the Baltic Sea“, Earth System Science Data, 2021 We present here the seasonal averaged Baltic+ L4 SSS products for the period 2011-2019. The daily Baltic+ L4 SSS products can be downloaded from the BEC FTP service (s in the directory OCEAN/SSS/SMOS/Baltic/v1.0/L4/daily/

  • The Baltic Sea Pressure index (BSPI) assesses the potential cumulative pressures in the Baltic Sea. The BSPI is based on georeferenced datasets of human activities (28 datasets), pressures (17 datasets) and uses the average sensitivity of each pressure layer to all ecosystems to weigth the pressure. Cumulative pressures are calculated for each assessment unit (1 km2 grid cells) and the data set covers the time period 2016-2021. Spatial Pressure and Impact Assessment (SPIA) is the framework for assessing spatial and cumulative pressures and impacts in HOLAS 3, where the BSPI presents the full cumulative pressure assessment where all pressures are included. The framework also includes results for the Baltic Sea Impact Index (full cumulative impact assessment), and other thematic assessments where a subset of pressure and ecosystem layers are used. For more info please - visit the HOLAS 3 website ( - download the report thematic assessment of spatial distribution of pressures and impacts 2016-2021 ( - or check out the HELCOM SPIA online tool to make calculations for any desired combination of pressures and ecosystem layers ( Please scroll down to "Lineage" for a more detailed description of the methodology.

  • The occurrence of suitable nursery habitats is crucial for maintaining fish populations (Sundblad et al. 2013). Species distribution modelling studies have shown the importance of suitable environmental conditions for pikeperch recruitment. Due to lack of coherent data on pikeperch spawning and nursery areas across the Baltic Sea countries, environmental variables were used in delineating potential recruitment areas for pikeperch. The pikeperch recruitment area presented on the map is mainly delineated by selecting areas where depth < 5 m, logged exposure < 5, salinity < 7 PSU, Secchi depth < 2 m and distance to deep (10m) water < 4km. The threshold values have been obtained from literature (Veneranta et al. 2011, Bergström et al. 2013, Sundblad et al. 2013, Kallasvuo et al. 2016). Temperature, although important for pikeperch, was left out due to high variation in timing of suitable spawning temperatures across the Baltic Sea. In Finnish coastal waters, a national pikeperch model (Kallasvuo et al. 2016) has been used, with very suitable areas for pikeperch generalized to 1 km grid. In Sweden, the areas delineated by environmental variables have been complemented with information from national interview survey (Gunnartz et al. 2011) as well as expert opinion.

  • The pressure layer represents biological pressure caused by introduction of non-indigenous species. The data is obtained from core indicator Trend in the arrival of new non-indigenous species (BSEP 129b: For the Baltic Sea Impact Index, the layer was normalized.

  • Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound includes impulsive events from 2011-2016 • Seismic surveys (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry; national data call submissions as lines in the folder of data) • Explosions (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) • Pile driving (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) • Airguns (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) For the different event types, numeric intensity value was used to represent the pressure as categorized in HELCOM-OSPAR Impulsive noise registry. All nationally reported seismic surveys were given intensity values “Very low” (0.25) - Very low (0.25) - Low (0.5) - Medium (0.75) - High (1) The impact distance has not been taken into account due to the different nature of separate datasets used for the pressure layer. We acknowledge that e.g. pile driving and airguns may impact up to 20 km from the source event. The spread of the sound wave depends on the sound frequency, water salinity, temperature and density.

  • The extraction of cod pressure layer is based on two datasets: 1. for years 2011-2016 reported per ICES statistical rectangles (tonnes / ICES rectangle). 2. from ICES recreational fisheries reports for 2011-2016, reported per country (only coastal areas included). Landing values were redistributed within each ICES rectangle by the c-square fishing effort data provided by ICES (all gears, 2011-2013). Tonnes / km² were calculated for both data sets and the results were converted to 1 km x 1 km grid cells. The layers were summed together, log-transformed and normalised to produce the final pressure layer on extraction of cod. Please see "lineage" section below for further details on attributes, data source, data processing, etc.

  • The Baltic Sea Impact index (BSII) assesses the potential cumulative impact of pressures over ecosystem components. The BSII is based on georeferenced datasets of human activities (28 datasets), pressures (17 datasets) and ecosystem components (57 datasets), and sensitivity estimates of ecosystem components to pressures (sensitivity scores). Cumulative impacts are calculated for each assessment unit (1 km2 grid cells) and the data set covers the time period 2016-2021. Spatial Pressure and Impact Assessment (SPIA) is the framework for assessing spatial and cumulative pressures and impacts in HOLAS 3, where the BSII presents the full cumulative impact assessment where all pressures and ecosystem components are included. The framework also includes results for the Baltic Sea Pressure Index (full cumulative pressure assessment), and other thematic assessments where a subset of pressure and ecosystem layers are used. For more info please - visit the HOLAS 3 website ( - download the report thematic assessment of spatial distribution of pressures and impacts 2016-2021 ( - or check out the HELCOM SPIA online tool to make calculations for any desired combination of pressures and ecosystem layers ( Please scroll down to "Lineage" for a more detailed description of the methodology.

  • This dataset depicts the landcover in the Baltic Sea catchment area.

  • The occurrence of suitable nursery habitats is crucial for maintaining fish populations (Sundblad et al. 2013). For perch, species distribution modelling studies (Snickars et al. 2010, Bergström et al. 2013, Sundblad et al. 2013) have shown the importance of suitable environmental conditions for reproduction. Due to lack of coherent data on perch spawning and nursery areas across the Baltic Sea countries, environmental variables were used in delineating potential recruitment areas for perch. The distribution area or perch recruitment is delineated by selecting areas where depth < 4 m (For Danish waters < 3 m), logged exposure < 5 (exposure model described in Isæus 2004), and salinity < 10 PSU. The threshold values have been obtained from literature (Snickars et al. 2010, Bergström et al. 2013, Skovrind et al. 2013, Sundblad et al. 2013). Relatively “loose” thresholds have been used, to rather overestimate than underestimate the recruitment area (precautionary approach). Along the Finnish coastline a national model has been used (Kallasvuo et al. 2016), with suitable environments for perch recruitment generalized to 1 km x 1 km grid.