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  • Locations of the coastal protection structures. The dataset contains information about the coastal defence structure type and for some the structure length (m) and the year of construction. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Poland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Lithuanian area. From Latvia and Russia no data was reported. Attribute specification and units Country: Country Type: Modification structure type Const_year: Year of construction Estimated: Estimated date of completion if under construction (Estonia) or the year of environmental permit if year of construction is lacking (Finland) Out_of_use: Year when costal defence structure has been taken out of use Measure: Additional information about the modification structure Length: Length of the modified coastline (m) width: Width of the modification structure (m) Area: Area of the modification structure (km2) X_Lon: Original X (Longitude) coordinate point (Finland)

  • The pressure layer represents biological pressure caused by introduction of non-indigenous species. The data is obtained from core indicator Trend in the arrival of new non-indigenous species (BSEP 129b: For the Baltic Sea Impact Index, the layer was normalized.

  • Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound includes impulsive events from 2011-2016 • Seismic surveys (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry; national data call submissions as lines in the folder of data) • Explosions (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) • Pile driving (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) • Airguns (HELCOM-OSPAR Registry) For the different event types, numeric intensity value was used to represent the pressure as categorized in HELCOM-OSPAR Impulsive noise registry. All nationally reported seismic surveys were given intensity values “Very low” (0.25) - Very low (0.25) - Low (0.5) - Medium (0.75) - High (1) The impact distance has not been taken into account due to the different nature of separate datasets used for the pressure layer. We acknowledge that e.g. pile driving and airguns may impact up to 20 km from the source event. The spread of the sound wave depends on the sound frequency, water salinity, temperature and density.

  • Potential cumulative impacts on benthic habitats is based on the same method than, but is focused on physical pressures and benthic habitats. The dataset was created based on separate analysis for potential cumulative impacts on only the benthic habitats, as these are particularly affected by physical pressures. In this case the evaluation was based on pressure layers representing and, combined with information on the distribution of eight broad benthic habitat types and five habitat-forming species (,,, and The potential cumulative impacts has been estimated based on currently best available data, but spatial and temporal gaps may occur in underlying datasets. Please scroll down to "Lineage" and visit for more info.

  • The dataset was created in order to update the information regarding underwater pipelines in the Baltic Sea Region for the HELCOM Assessments. Data was collected by the HELCOM Secretariat during 2015. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Germany, Finland and Poland. The report data represents constructions on respective territorial waters, authorized facilities and activities from 2015. The activity was declared as not relevant in Lithuanian area. From Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden no data was reported. Attribute specification and units: NAME COUNTRY CAPACITY (MW) STATUS (Operational, Under Construction, Application Submitted, Planned, Unknown) SOURCE

  • Dataset contains the largest oil terminals in the Baltic Sea and the volume of oil transported through. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. The statistics cover years 1997, 2000 - 2008 (where available), and 2011-2013. The statistics for 2011-2013 were derived from Baltic Port Lists published by Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. Attribute specification and units: YEAR1997…YEAR2013: Total (million tonnes) oil and oil products transported through the terminal during referred year.

  • Location of water course modifications (trenching, culverting, canalisation). The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Estonia, Finland and Poland. Data reported by Finland and Poland as water course modification were interpreted as pipelines and were included in HELCOM HOLAS 2 Pipelines dataset. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany and Lithuania. From Latvia, Russia and Sweden no data was reported.

  • Data set represents dredging activities around the Baltic Sea. The dataset contains information about the dredging activity and for some the type (capital, maintenance) and the year of activity as reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The dredging data is missing from Denmark.

  • Data for Furcellaria harvesting presenting the amount of dredged tonnes per unit area per year. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Estonia. The activity was declared as not relevant in Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden. Attribute specification and units: Dredged_ar: Furcellaria dredging area (km2, ND = no data available) Area: Area (fishing area) within dredging occurs (km2), area do not represent actual dredging area. 2011 - 2015: Amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes / year) Total: Amount (Sum) of dredged Furcellaria during 2011-2015 (tonnes) Average: Calculated annual average of the amount of dredged Furcellaria (tonnes/year)

  • This pressure dataset is derived from three human activities datasets - Urban land use (on land) - Recreational boating and sports (updated layer for 2018 version, please see separate - Bathing sites These data are described in more detail in separate fact sheets. Urban land use data was first converted to 1 km grid cells and expanded with 1 km. Thus, coastal urban areas extended also to the sea. These areas were given value 1 and other sea areas, value 0. Bathing sites (points) were converted to 1km grid and given value 1, rest of the sea areas were given value 0. Normalized recreational boating data was converted to 1 km grid cells. These three layers were summed to produce the layer (values from 0 to 3), after that the layer was normalized. Hunting and recreational fishing data were excluded from human disturbance layer, as they are mostly reported per country and would have resulted in overestimation of the actual pressure.