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This dataset is built from the following Human activities dataset: • Hunting of seals The number of hunted seals (see separate metadata on hunting of seals) were averaged over 2011-2014 separately for grey seals, ringed seals and harbour seals (e.g. number of hunted grey seals / year). In Sweden the numbers of hunted grey seals in 2011 (74) were reported for the whole Swedish territorial waters), but here the numbers were set only to Swedish Gulf of Bothnia, as corresponding numbers were reported there in 2013 (75) and 2014 (65). The area of the reporting unit was used to calculate the number of hunted seals / km2 and the data was converted to 1km x 1km grid. For the Baltic Sea Impact Index, the values were normalized. Normalized value 0.5 was set to the level of quota for hunting of seal species in the Baltic Sea. The following quotas for hunting were used: Grey seal: 2000, Ringed seal: 350, Harbour seal 230.
Regional hunting numbers for Ringed seals 2011-2014.
This dataset is built from following Human activities datasets: • • The game hunting of seabirds data (see separate metadata): The total number of hunted seabirds were averaged over 2011-2015 (number of hunted seabirds / year). The area of the reporting unit was used to calculate the number of hunted seabirds / km2 and the data was converted to 1km x 1km grid. The predator control of seabirds data (see separate metadata): The total number of hunted cormorants were averaged over 2011-2015 (number of hunted cormorants / year). The area of the reporting unit was used to calculate the number of hunted cormorants / km2 and the data was converted to 1km x 1km grid. The two datasets were first separately log transformed and then summed, to get the total value for each grid cell. Zero values were given to all grid cells with no reported seabird hunting activity. The layer was normalized.
Regional hunting numbers for Harbour seals 2011-2014.
Regional hunting numbers for Grey seals 2011-2014.
Number of hunted cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) per year per county. A total sum and a calculated average (hunted individuals / year) is given for the time period 2011-2015. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Lithuania and Poland. From Latvia and Russia no data was reported. Attribute specification and units: Country: Country County: County SUM: Total number of hunted individuals during 2011 – 2015 AVERAGE: A calculated five (or four) year average of hunted cormorants per year (hunted individuals/year) 2011 – 2015: Number of hunted cormorants in the year in question
The dataset contains the number of hunted cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) per year per county. A total sum and a calculated average (hunted individuals/year) are given for the time period 2016-2021 The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia and Poland. Attribute specification and units: Area: Name of the EG administrative unit or other areas in which the activity is taking place Corm_2016-Corm_2021: Number of hunted birds/unit area per year for each target species (cormorant) AVRG: Average of the number of hunted birds/unit area per year
The dataset contains the number of hunted seals per species (ringed, harbour, and grey) per county/municipality as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia and Poland. Attribute specification and units: Area: Name of the area given by the national data provider DesArea: Unit area Grey_2016-Grey_2021: Number of individuals per year (2016 – 2021) for grey seals Harb_2016-Harb_2021: Number of individuals per year(2016 – 2021) for harbour seals Ring_2016-Ring_2021: Number of individuals per year (2016 – 2021) for ringed seals Notes: Notes regarding the data grey_avg: average of the number of individuals per year ringed_avg: average of the number of individuals per year harbo_avg: average of the number of individuals per year
This dataset is built from following Human activities datasets: • • The game hunting of seabirds data (see separate metadata): The total number of hunted seabirds were averaged over 2016-2021 (number of hunted seabirds / year). The area of the reporting unit was used to calculate the number of hunted seabirds / km2 and the data was converted to 1km x 1km grid. The predator control of seabirds data (see separate metadata): The total number of hunted cormorants were averaged over 2016-2021 (number of hunted cormorants / year). The area of the reporting unit was used to calculate the number of hunted cormorants / km2 and the data was converted to 1km x 1km grid. The two datasets were first separately log transformed and then summed, to get the total value for each grid cell. Zero values were given to all grid cells with no reported seabird hunting activity. The layer was normalized.
The dataset contains the number of hunted birds (number of birds/area) per year per area for each target species: common scooter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca), eider (Somateri molissima) and long tailed duck (Clangula hymalis). The dataset covers the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia and Poland. Attribute specification and units: Area: Name of the area given by the national data provider Eid_2016-Eid_2021: Number of hunted eiders in 2016-2021 LTD_2016-LTD_201: Number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2016-2021 Sco_2016-Sco_2021: Number of hunted common scoters in 2016-2021 VSc_2016-VSc_2021: Number of hunted velvet scoters in 2016-2021 avg_syears: average of number of hunted birds