oil spill
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This dataset contains points of information describing the location and size of spills of mineral oil observed during aerial surveillance flights by HELCOM Contracting Parties during 1998-2023. The data covers detections from fixed-wing aircraft only. Since 2014 Contracting Parties have also reported spills of other substances and unknown substances. The purpose of the regional aerial surveillance is to detect spills of oil and other harmful substances and thus prevent violations of the existing regulations on prevention of pollution from ships. Such illegal spills are a form of pollution which threatens the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area. Further information on detected spills in the Baltic Sea area and HELCOM aerial surveillance activities can be found at http://www.helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/maritime/illegal-spills/ and https://helcom.fi/action-areas/response-to-spills/aerial-surveillance/ The dataset contains the following information: Country Year Spill_ID = A unique code which will enable each individual spill to be individually identified FlightType = The type of flight the detection was made during: National = "N", CEPCO = "C", Super CEPCO = "SC", Tour d’Horizon = “TDH” Date = The date of the detection (dd.mm.yyyy) Time_UTC = The time of the detection in UTC (hh:mm) Wind_speed = The wind speed at the time of the detection (m/s) Wind_direc = The wind direction in degrees at the time of the detection (degrees) Latitude = The latitude of the detection (decimal degrees, WGS84) Longitude = The longitude of the detection (decimal degrees, WGS84) Length__km = The length of the detection (km) Width__km = The width of the detection (km) Area__km2_ = The area of the detection (km2) Spill_cat = Spill/pollution category: Mineral Oil = “Oil", Other Substance = "Other substance" , "Unknown substance" = “Unknown” EstimVol_m = If Spill_cat="Oil", then estimated min. volume of oil spill. Volume of the detection confirmed/observed as mineral oil as calculated using the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code using the lower figure (BAOAC minimum) in m3. Vol_Category = Category of the detection: <0,1m3 = “1”, <0,1-1m3 = “2”, 1-10 m3 = “3”, 10-100 m3 = “4”, >100 m3 = “5” Type_substance = If Spill_cat="Other substance" or "Unknown. Product name or type of OS or GAR substances that could be identified (in case of known polluter, or via visual identification - cf. BAOAC Atlas). - Examples for OS: vegetable oils (palm oil sun flower oil, soya oil etc.), fish oil, molasses, various chemicals (methanol, biodiesels/FAME, toluene, paraffines etc.); Examples of GAR: solid cargo residues (e.g. coal residues), plastics, fish nets, … OR "Unknown" (in case the type of substance could not be identified) Polluter = Type of polluter source: Offshore Installation = “Rig”, Vessel = “Ship”, Other Polluter or source (e.g. land based source) = “Other”, Unknown = “Unknwon” (in case of an “orphan” spill that cannot be linked to a polluter) Remarks = Any additional information to inform on particular situations Description of marine litter sightings
This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from collisions at intersections. The modeled risk is calculated for the years 2008/2009. The area of the bubbles corresponds to the risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances. The unit of the risk is average tonnes per year. This dataset has been produced by Albrecht Lentz, COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). The dataset is a model result from a software code owned and operated by COWI. BRISK and BRISK-RU provide information on spatial distribution of risks of pollution from ships in the six sub-regions of the Baltic Sea, according to different types of accidents and spill sizes. The assessment takes into account the existing risk control measures as well as the prognosis for future maritime traffic. Groundings and ship-to-ship collisions are by far the most likely types of accidents resulting in pollution. Other kinds of incidents, such as fire, collisions with fixed objects, spills from offshore platforms, as well as illegal discharges have minor contribution to the risks. Further, the oil impact has been modelled. The oil impact can be described as the amount of spilled oil that is expected on the sea surface. The effects of oil drift, weathering and fate, as well as the oil recovery are taken into account. Field descriptions: LON: Longitude (center of ellipse) LAT: Latitude (center of ellipse) SPILLALL: Risk [average tonnes per year], sum of all spills. Used for visualization. SPILL12: Risk [average tonnes per year], small size spills. SPILL34: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL123: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL4: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL1234: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL567: Risk [average tonnes per year] large spills.
A vector grid in 2 x 2 km resolution showing model results of environmental impact caused by spill of soluble oil from ships with size less than 5000 t as as g oil / km^2 weighted.This dataset has been produced by COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). Fields: COL_NO (Dbl): Column ROW_NO (Dbl): Row WLoad (Dbl): Environmental impact (g oil / km^2 weighted).
The pressure oil slicks and spills is combination of following datasets: • Illegal oil discharges • Polluting ship accidents Illegal oil discharge data is based on airborne surveillance with remote sensing equipment in the Baltic Sea Area. The area of the detected spills in 2011–2016 was used to represent the pressure. The value of spills under 1km2 were directly given to grid cell, spills over 1km2 were buffered based on estimate spill area. For polluting ship accidents the reported oil spill volumes (m3) in years 2011-2015 were used for the pressure. Some polluting ship accidents spills were missing spilled oil volume, thus a mean of reported volumes was given to accidents with missing oil volume. Datasets were handled separately. Both layers were normalized, summed and normalized again to produce the “oil slicks and spills” pressure layer. Please see below for further details.
A vector grid in 2 x 2 km resolution showing model results of environmental impact caused by spill of soluble oil from ships of all sizes as g oil / km^2 weighted.This dataset has been produced by COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). Fields: COL_NO (Dbl): Column ROW_NO (Dbl): Row WLoad (Dbl): Environmental impact (g oil / km^2 weighted).
This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from collisions at intersections. The modeled risk is calculated for the scenario year 2020 based on predicted shipping traffic density. The area of the bubbles corresponds to the risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances. The unit of the risk is average tonnes per year. This dataset has been produced by Albrecht Lentz, COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). The dataset is a model result from a software code owned and operated by COWI. BRISK and BRISK-RU provide information on spatial distribution of risks of pollution from ships in the six sub-regions of the Baltic Sea, according to different types of accidents and spill sizes. The assessment takes into account the existing risk control measures as well as the prognosis for future maritime traffic. Groundings and ship-to-ship collisions are by far the most likely types of accidents resulting in pollution. Other kinds of incidents, such as fire, collisions with fixed objects, spills from offshore platforms, as well as illegal discharges have minor contribution to the risks. Further, the oil impact has been modelled. The oil impact can be described as the amount of spilled oil that is expected on the sea surface. The effects of oil drift, weathering and fate, as well as the oil recovery are taken into account. Field descriptions: LON: Longitude (center of ellipse) LAT: Latitude (center of ellipse) SPILLALL: Risk [average tonnes per year], sum of all spills. Used for visualization. SPILL12: Risk [average tonnes per year], small size spills. SPILL34: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL123: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL4: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL1234: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL567: Risk [average tonnes per year] large spills.
This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from illegal spills. The modeled risk is calculated for the years 2008/2009. The area of the bubbles corresponds to the risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances. The unit of the risk is average tonnes per year. This dataset has been produced by Albrecht Lentz, COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). The dataset is a model result from a software code owned and operated by COWI. BRISK and BRISK-RU provide information on spatial distribution of risks of pollution from ships in the six sub-regions of the Baltic Sea, according to different types of accidents and spill sizes. The assessment takes into account the existing risk control measures as well as the prognosis for future maritime traffic. Groundings and ship-to-ship collisions are by far the most likely types of accidents resulting in pollution. Other kinds of incidents, such as fire, collisions with fixed objects, spills from offshore platforms, as well as illegal discharges have minor contribution to the risks. Further, the oil impact has been modelled. The oil impact can be described as the amount of spilled oil that is expected on the sea surface. The effects of oil drift, weathering and fate, as well as the oil recovery are taken into account. Field descriptions: LON: Longitude (center of ellipse) LAT: Latitude (center of ellipse) SPILLALL: Risk [average tonnes per year], sum of all spills. Used for visualization. SPILL12: Risk [average tonnes per year], small size spills. SPILL34: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL123: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL4: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL1234: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL567: Risk [average tonnes per year] large spills.
This dataset contains core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).
This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3).
This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from overtaking and head-on collisions. The modeled risk is calculated for the years 2008/2009. The area of the bubbles corresponds to the risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances. The unit of the risk is average tonnes per year. This dataset has been produced by Albrecht Lentz, COWI (http://www.cowi.dk) for the BRISK project (Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea, http://www.brisk.helcom.fi/). The dataset is a model result from a software code owned and operated by COWI. BRISK and BRISK-RU provide information on spatial distribution of risks of pollution from ships in the six sub-regions of the Baltic Sea, according to different types of accidents and spill sizes. The assessment takes into account the existing risk control measures as well as the prognosis for future maritime traffic. Groundings and ship-to-ship collisions are by far the most likely types of accidents resulting in pollution. Other kinds of incidents, such as fire, collisions with fixed objects, spills from offshore platforms, as well as illegal discharges have minor contribution to the risks. Further, the oil impact has been modelled. The oil impact can be described as the amount of spilled oil that is expected on the sea surface. The effects of oil drift, weathering and fate, as well as the oil recovery are taken into account. Field descriptions: LON: Longitude (center of ellipse) LAT: Latitude (center of ellipse) SPILLALL: Risk [average tonnes per year], sum of all spills. Used for visualization. SPILL12: Risk [average tonnes per year], small size spills. SPILL34: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL123: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL4: Risk [average tonnes per year], medium size spills. SPILL1234: Risk [average tonnes per year], small & medium size spills. SPILL567: Risk [average tonnes per year] large spills.