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  • Dataset contains the largest oil terminals in the Baltic Sea and the volume of oil transported through. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. The statistics cover years 1997, 2000 - 2008 (where available), and 2011-2013. The statistics for 2011-2013 were derived from Baltic Port Lists published by Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku. The dataset was updated for HELCOM Assessments in 2016. Attribute specification and units: YEAR1997…YEAR2013: Total (million tonnes) oil and oil products transported through the terminal during referred year.

  • This dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Baltic Sea. The dataset is complete in Baltic sea coverage as it contains two known oil platforms.

  • Input of heat pressure dataset contains delta heat values from warm water discharge of - Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants - Fossil fuel energy production. The Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants was requested from HELCOM Contracting Parties. Average temperature change of the cooling water (°C) and amount of cooling water (m3) was used to calculate the heat load in TWh. No data on heat load was available for the Leningrad nuclear power plant; therefore the average heat load (TWh) of discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants was given. No heat load information was available for fossil fuel energy production sites. Heat load of 1 (TWh) was given to all production sites, based on average heat load of individual production site in Helsinki from recent years. 1 km buffer was used for both datasets with steep decline around the outlet. Overlapping areas were summed. Heat load from both layers were summed and the layer was normalized.

  • The dataset contains the location of fossil fuel energy production facilities derived from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). E-PRTR cover all HELCOM Contracting Parties except Russia. Attribute specification and units: See E-PRTR code lists at In the HELCOM data review process, some facility locations appeared to be spatially slightly misplaced, adding up to uncertainty of data products derived from this dataset.

  • MORS Discharge database has been used to collate data reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties on airborne and waterborne discharges resulting from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea and North Sea region based on HELCOM Recommendation 26/3. The database is structured according to HELCOM Guidelines on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (, which specifies reporting format, database structure, data types and obligatory parameters used for reporting data under Recommendation 26/3. The database is updated and quality assured annually by HELCOM MORS EG. The discharge data is reported by national competent authorities in HELCOM Contracting Parties to data consultant (STUK, Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority). HELCOM MORS Expert Group validates and quality assures annually all data reported to HELCOM MORS Discharge Database.

  • HOLAS II data set on Nuclear power plants discharge water outlets (name, delta temperature of water discharge, heat load) for 2011-2015. The coverage of the data set is full, except for the Leningrad power plant the data is not available.

  • Dataset represents the radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea area. Data includes isotopes CS137, CO60 and SR90 Aquatic discharges in 2011-2014 with decay corrections.

  • The dataset contains the location of oil refineries downloaded from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. E-PRTR covers all HELCOM Contracting Parties except Russia. See attribute specification and units at:

  • The dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Baltic Sea as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The data was reported by Poland (HOLAS 2 data) and Russia. The activity was declared as not relevant by Estonia, Denmark and Latvia. Attribute specification and units: COUNTRY: The country where the structure is located LATITUDE: Latitude of the point location LONGITUDE: Longitude of the point location Name: Name of the structure Notes: Notes regarding the data

  • Input of heat pressure dataset contains delta heat values from warm water discharge of - Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants - Fossil fuel energy production. Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants (2016-2021): 1 km buffer with steep decrease around outlet (Type D decline), composed of 4 rings [1]. Average input of heat load (Twh) of discharge of warm water from the nuclear power plant outlets. No data on heat load was available for the Leningrad nuclear power plant; therefore, the average heat load of discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants was given. Fossil fuel energy production (only location available): 1 km buffer with steep decrease around outlet (Type D decline), composed of 6 rings[12]. Heat load 1 (TWh) was given to all production sites, based on the average heat load of an individual production site in Helsinki. Heat load from both layers were summed and the layer was normalized. [1] Extent based on Ilus et al. 1986.